If this is the calm before the storm, then get ready for the fibre tsunami. This unrecognizable feature, used to be my living room.

I have gotten the display and inventory down to 10 boxes weighing I don’t know how many pounds. My guess was 200, apparently it is more like 400 lbs. This scares me. And that’s not even because in an hour I will be lifting it and packing it into a van. Or because in 2 days I will be meeting it in Calgary and unloading it.

I am at my wits end. Pearl, Toni and Joan, you are my ocean of calm in this turbulent fibre nightmare.

Here is the basement fully packed (oops, no, one more box still upstairs).

And a closer look at the fibre. I’m thinking this is about 50 lbs.

With almost everything packed and just the house mess left to clean up I was able to get a few minutes in the garden. The lilac tree is just starting to waft through the yard. I couldn’t get a decent photo as the blooms are really high, so I opted for some more eye level, eye candy.

The rhubard is really ready.

Flowering chives.

And the clematis is going to be bountiful this year.

Yes indeed, the calm before the storm. Now back to that final box.