I realize it’s been a while since I’ve had a chance to blog. The new studio, in addition to teaching has really filled my days. Thank goodness I know people who force me to have some fun.

The Seattle destination gave me a chance to catch up with good friends. (not even moderately wicked themselves)

We covered a lot of territory in the few days. The highlights…..

Behold the truffle. Bacon and maple syrup in dark chocolate ganache. Heavenly…..it was only one but I think I looked kind of like this when I was done.

Pike Place was it’s usual spectacular.

JP picked a wonderful hotel and I slept the sleep of the dead. Perhaps it had something to do with finding this at the foot of the bed in the morning. Yes, I brought my handspun on holidays with me.

On another note…..My spinning class finished. All graduated successful spinners. The gorgeous local hand dyed mohair that they were spinning with just made their yarn that much more yummy. It had such good response that it looks like I will be starting an intermediate class next week. What a great group of women!