My deadline for jury pieces reached an all time freak out yesterday, when I decided that my premiere scarf was not going to cut it. Up at the crack of dawn and down to the studio, I looked for another piece that would work for jurying. Perfectly satisfied, I came home to finish my CV to send with the package.

The more I looked at the scarf I rejected, the more I felt it would work with a few more changes…..Only 3 hours left for shipping to meet the deadline and I am completely reworking this. Not only did I not deserve a medal, I should be stripped of the ones I have…….like someone who has failed drug testing…It’s a sickness really.

The results were worth it but I am spent.

I need a new event for tomorrow. Can I take it easy on myself and make it finishing a custom order? We’ll see. I am saving Thursday for my spinning marathon. As it is, it will be a full group. I can’t tell you how much I am looking forward to this. There will be new faces and that can only enhance the dynamic.

Here is the box pre post office. Thank you kind postal lady for making the Canada Post guy wait for my parcel. Talk about cutting it to the wire.

Okay…so one custom order to finish? Two hats. Bronze….Two orders finished…Silver….Custom dye yarn as well… that could be worth a crafter’s gold.