I am a convert. Check out this site for amazing last minute deals on Whistler get aways. No, I am not being paid a commission for this. John and I spend an amazing weekend at the Chateau Whistler before the Sunday market. Decadent and wonderful. This is where I did my serious knitting (like all night marathon knitting)

This is where we did our serious drinking.

This is part of the wonderful collection of wood benches outside on the patio of the Chateau Bar all in circles around an amazing fire pit. Feeling a bit cheeky, we claimed an entire section to ourselves. Interestingly enough, the next 3 groups of people who tried to join us were kicked out of the bar from infractions varying from being clearly underage to refusing to wear clothing, it made a strange no fly zone over our “area”.

Finishing dinner and still having sunshine, we took a little walk down the path behind the hotel. If anyone knows what this particular wild flower is, please let me know. Gorgeous colour combination to be including in a hat sometime this week. I need to spin some buttery yellow!

The Sunday market was lively to say the least as a Whistler version of the Amazing Race was taking place with one of the pit stops right beside our booth.

Whistler White was a hit and it is not currently available, but I will have some for the market next weekend. The patterns will also be released in a limited run this week for a neck wrap and Amelia hat. We managed to hook up with Rebecca and JP for a sexy dinner in Brackendale.

We are heading out on the first ferry tomorrow for our first trip to the Sunshine Coast. I will be posting the process of spending two creative days in a yurt when I’m back on Wednesday and all the new designs that come from this collaborative adventure.