The last few weeks have been busy, but frightening. I don’t know a single crafter who doesn’t get their aches and pains over the crunch season and I’ve spent more than a few days, icing, heating or elevating some part of my body that suffered absolute breakdown from getting ready for a show, but this…..
Well I thought I wasn’t going to knit or spin again. Unbearable pain making knitting almost impossible This is the first time in my life I cried and knit at the same time. Everyone knows how much I appreciate knitting and I would never take my craft for granted. I am always grateful for the gift and the skill of hand work, but one thing I have abused all of this time was my body’s ability to do this work non stop.
I would like to thank all of my well meaning friends who humored me every year as I joked about “sleeping being overrated” and /or “January is for sleeping” Also thanks to the ones who did not and gave me the dire warnings that I did not heed—I did hear you though.
I haven’t even begun to assess how this will impact my business model for next year. It’s hard to think about another season of shows while the radiating pain in my shoulder, neck and fingers is just starting to subside. I have worked through most of my custom orders with just a few remaining, The last orders to be mailed will go out today.
More than anything I think next year will be about collaboration. There are a few in the works (still secret) but the not so secret partnering has been with Gabi. She has pushed my work, provided me with the most amazing photographs and given me new eyes to see the work with. So because of Gabi (and with a bit of work on my part) I leave you with this photograph.