By the time you read this post I will be sleep deprived and on the road….It was impossible to choose a priority so I flitted all day from one thing to another.
- Finish new bacon and egg wool – done
- Felt two hats – done
- Crochet two seaweed hats – done
- Ply remainder of yarn – NOT DONE
- Still knitting kids hats – shit
- Doing laundry…..enough panties –good enough
- NO time to make lists…..
Please enjoy the new yarn pics….on the drop spindle
100 grams
70 yards
silk ply thread
white merino wool with merino ketchup blobs.
knit and felted bacon
needle felted eggs.
$60.00 —–SOLD
I know, I know, nothing but time on my hands….I’ll be gone for a few days…Wish me luck at Filberg…..