……and you can’t make money without it….Today’s post is about spending the weekend in Whistler as a tourist.
Bear Sightings half way up Blackcombe

I don’t think this is the one they meant. However, I am assuming tourism bear can be dangerous to your wallet.
As well as bear traps, you must beware of tourist traps. They are brightly coloured and cleverly disguised….Usually recognizable by the name of the city embellished on a normal household item that does not require it, for example salt and pepper shakers…….BEWARE
Hey Carmen, I just saw your comment about my suspiciously clean stove over on my blog and thought I would swing by and have a read – I wanted to tell you that I laughed out loud when I read your comment because as I was taking that photo it took about 15 minutes to make sure EVERY speck of dirt was out of the photo! No, my stove is not normally so shiny 😉