Kitsilano Market – First Market of the Season

The market season has begun.  In an unprecedented race to be organized and on time, we were too early to set up.  That will not happen again.  SUNSHINE all day!  Heaven for a first market.

I have had this nagging feeling that I haven’t been busy enough.  After setting up the booth (and realizing there is not one piece of inventory from last year) I am confident I am up to my usual standard of busy hands.

The Kromski Sonata is the best wheel for travel to a market.  Compact and light, with a quick set up (and cup holder), I was able to rock the spinning.  It will now be my market buddy wheel.

I am so lucky to have such great friends….Let’s see early morning with Pearl, Vanessa slightly later, Jean for a good portion of the afternoon, and Kim for the latter part of the day as well as tear down.  Many coffee refills just added to the bounty of the day.

Support local food and artisans this season.  Buy local, buy hand made.

Putting Down the Loom

I have put the loom away for a few days while I reflect on this recent experience of weaving.  I see great potential and I am seduced by the idea of making my own cloth.  I feel absolutely free in this type of design.

So begins the journey, but in a few days, after my weekend shows and I allow the experience to fully wash over me.  As I tag my hand spun yarn for sale, I see it in a new way —-not just as an item for sale, but as an accomplice to a new style of creative work.  Hmmm.   Must not be greedy.

Shifting Gears

Just as  I finish posting about how much I love my carder, I come across a post on Ravelry where someone is looking for a carder.  So before you know it, I am online offering up my loyal and trusty carder for sale.  WTFrack?  Really, have I lost my mind?

No, I just happened to have another one, brand new, sitting in the box that I was dying to get at.  I have been a Louet Dealer since March so I have ample access to carders and this new one – The Classic Carder is replacing my model that is no longer made.  There was nothing wrong with mine.  I loved it and still love it, but like old boyfriends, sometimes you just want something new.  Thanks for the good times, sweet girl.

Here is my first batt off the new carder…No difference, but it has that new car(der) smell.  I’m a fickle chickie.

And the resulting yarn……well….judge for yourself.

 Good tools are important.

My Own Units of Measurement

It was a good week.  How to you determine a good week?   Well for me, the measurements are simple.

pfd – Pounds of fibre dyed
bc – batts carded
ss – skeins spun
uoi – units of inventory

Simple measurements, easy to keep track of .  One week and the market season begins.

This merino is like a fluff marshmallow.  As well as the merino, I dyed a pound of wool mohair that is just lovely.  I also over dyed some alpaca for carding…Super sweet.

This weekend is about at home production.  Yes, it may have something to do with the Victoria Weekend Trekathon on the space channel.