by carmen | Apr 29, 2010 | Spinning
or how to try to dispurse a thousand batts.
When I am procrastinating in the studio, I make batts. Colour blending that you can change as you go is much more transformative and interesting to me than dyeing yarn. I also don’t need a mask, or gear of any kind. I can also walk away from it and think about it for a while. (often to go back to the wheel).
Yesterday I needed to make pirate hats, so I made batts. Lots of them, but instead of piling them up like I usually do, I made one and then spun it. Then another one shifting colours slightly and then it was time to teach my crochet class at Birkeland. This went on all afternoon and the time just flew.
I still didn’t add any pirate hats to my tally, but I do have these….

On another note, I was working on samples of Navajo plied, 3 ply and two ply from the same fibre to illustrate how the colour distribute based on the technique. For the record, three plying (while I understand the value, and even how pretty it is) completely sucks and is a technique I will only use when absolutely necessary, like when a family member is held hostage and three plying is the only way I can have them returned unharmed.
Or possibly, if I am holding someone hostage and I need to tie them with a rope that has integrity. Really, even a tensioned lazy kate would do little to easy my tension when the fibres start crawling up to the orifice only to land it a knotted pile of free form crappiness.
I relally love the resulting yarn, particularly the distribution of colour, the loftiness and bounce. Again, since I am a production gal, this will be a rare yarn and in my personal stash.
by carmen | Oct 28, 2008 | Spinning
So many things to knit, so little time, but I find now that whenever I am feeling a bit overwhelmed that cranking the drum carder just clears my mind. Today I received what can only be considered pounds of lincoln locks…It’s outstanding to see 5-7 inches of curly cues in every colour in the rainbow…
I have a pound of white locks, several smaller bags of magenta, purples, pinks, blues….and my absolute favourite….a natural charcoal. To die for. I am expecting some merino in slate grey any day now and can hardly wait to see what fun I will have with it..
Oh yes, I think I will post a batt a day and it’s inspiration up until Circle Craft and then it will be all show news.
So here’s today’s batt. Tea Roses
John and I are on the 2nd day of a 2 week detox. We thought it might be a nice idea to suffer together and yet, we are both chipper, alert, euphoric and really enjoying some home cooked meals after all the restauranting in Whistler all summer. It definitely took it’s toll on us energy wise and it’s been a long time since I’ve given myself and my liver such a nice present.
TMI—-I know, but this weird sense of calm and well being is not usual for me. I like things at a more frantic pace.
Oh, and I have knit and crocheted some very adorable things (if I say so myself).
by carmen | Oct 26, 2008 | Spinning
… terms of inspiration I am at my apex. Everything I see can be translated and blended on the drum carder. Things I would have never thought possible before…..For example, please enjoy this photo of my cat.
She is the most amazing colours. Brown, grey, caramel, cream, taupe…a little bit of everything. She is beautifully blended…..
Something like this…..I added a bit of glitz (just for personality).. I am thrilled with the outcome and it spun up like a dream into this.. I started thinking willow branches, then pussy willows
This is plied with Kid Silk Haze and the pussy willows are felted merino. Time stopped for me today as it all fell into place.

I feel like I already made my money back on the drum carder. Being able to translate colour so delicately is something new for me, but something I’m meant to do. If you are interested in the yarn, or the hat, please let me know. I would be thrilled for the excuse to make them both again.