
I haven’t really been to the studio for days.  I miss getting my spin on and have two lovely bobbins full and ready for plying.  Then I will spin more and another bobbin and finally update my 355.   I need to fill those yarn cupboards.

Some new dye colours came in today.  I’m super excited to give them a whirl and with the sun shining like this, guess who’s painting outside today?

Will show you some of the lovelies when they are finished.  Enjoy the sunshine.

Sakura Waiting

anticipating the arrival of
your blooms gives cause to
marvel your
grace, sans bloom.

Tree Moss

Tree Moss
  Hauntingly beautiful
.  Synergistic.
  Belonging and not, intruding and

Alpaca Love

I gave all of the students an alpaca top to over dye without saving one for myself.  That has been rectified.  Oh and more alpaca top has been ordered.

I adore alpaca, but have finally tired of spinning it au naturel.  I needed a bit of colour, not much, just a tich.  And this when spun will be blended with a natural oatmeal BFL.  Heading to the studio to ply it now. Just keeping it real.  Yes, I can do subtle.
