by carmen | Dec 17, 2009 | Uncategorized
I had a custom order to deliver in Coquitlam and took the opportunity to get right back on track with my mitt (which I am loving knitting). I was so in to it that I didn’t notice I was attracting some attention drafting roving and working on my project.
When I got off the sky train an elderly Eastern European man put his hand on my shoulder and stopped me. Watching me knit on the train reminded him of his mother who he had lost so many years ago and he wanted to thank me for putting those memories fresh in his head. He then handed me eighty cents and told me to get a small beverage on him as thanks—-and then he was gone.
I burst into tears. Okay, they weren’t heaving, hulking sobs, but I definitely did not look like a Christmas shopper. I didn’t know what to do, so I crossed the street to meet Joan. I was a bit early so I thought I would pop into the Safeway to pick up a few groceries, the whole while holding the change in my hand.
It was then that I saw the Salvation Army Kettle so I put the change in there. Then suddenly I panicked, wait, he wanted me to get a small beverage, that was a significant gesture for him. I should have put my own separate money in the kettle and then used his for the beverage…just then the Safeway loudspeaker blares…..
“we have samples of our Christmas Blend at the Starbucks counter. Please come by and sample a bit of Christmas on us.”
So, it was possible to get a nice small beverage for eighty cents. I sat in the parking lot in the rain, waiting for my ride and thinking that knitting in public was the best thing in the world.
by carmen | Dec 15, 2009 | Uncategorized
A newborn mitt to knit
Par, rum, pum, pum, thrum…..
OMG…I am loving this…Start with Fleece Artist BFL and a pale grey roving for the thrilling thrum.
This book is fantastic and full of design after design that I really want to make.
It was the Monday night knit group’s pot luck and I took the festive nature of the evening to try something completely new —the double points, following a pattern, could I be any more risky? I realize that most knitters do stuff like this every day, but by the 2nd row of the pattern, I was trying to change it.
I got to deliver the truffle hat last night and look what I got….Okay, so far this season I have worked for jewelry, coffee, soap and chocolate.
There are still a few left. Not many, but I needed something to have with my coffee this morning.
Stay warm today.
by carmen | Dec 13, 2009 | Events

The prep for the last show wasn’t as complicated as Circle Craft, but it was a mixture of new design, replacing stock and finishing those last few custom orders for pick up. The day was overwhelming and the cast of players intense. Thanks to Pearl, Kim, Mariegold and the market volunteers. Also, an overwhelming thanks to my customers. Your loyalty and your kind words mean so much to me and make me feel more talented than I actually am.
Dinner at Legendary Noodle is becoming a habit after shows and long studio todays. How can you say no to noodles made to order. Delish.
Oh, and I forgot that I DO have one more show. I’ll be at Wise Hall next Saturday…Small table, not lots left, but if you forgot something special for your special someone, just email me and let me know.
I hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday and that your Christmas knitting is nearly complete.
by carmen | Dec 11, 2009 | Uncategorized
I LOVE reading my e-mails lately. They are full of photos, feedback and general big fat balls of happiness. The depressing stuff tends to come in the mail in the way of bills.
I remember this amazing baby from Circle Craft. The hat was a bit small so I just reworked it while the parents shopped. This photo alone justifies the “on the spot” custom work.
Then this quirky email.
…..I saw you at Circle Craft. I don’t know where you are or if you know the whereabouts of “my hat”. I don’t know if my description will do it justice. Can you please reunite me with my hat?
I’m sure we’ll be able to find it.
I’ll be off the grid today. No visitors at the studio. It will take me the entire day just to pack for the show tomorrow. If you are picking up something at the show, or need me to put something aside, please send me an e-mail at [email protected]. I want to make sure you have what you need.
P.S. There will be some batts…..just a few.
by carmen | Dec 10, 2009 | Uncategorized
The anatomy of a Christmas batt…..
- The finest kid mohair and mulberry silk
- angelina(mostly gold, but a tiny sliver of silver
- hand dyed mohair locks in the richest of holiday colours
- small bits of hand dyed alpaca
- some holiday cheer

I could not resist spinning two of the batts. I’ll be knitting one of them tomorrow.
The batts are $20 for 110-120g. There are only 4 batts left. Please e-mail me or comment if you would like one put aside. The spun skein is $45.00 and I will be taking it to my show this weekend, unless someone wants to claim it first!
Since it’s not all about Christmas, here is the girlygirl skein spun from a cotton candy batt.
- silk
- angelina
- hand dyed mohair locks
- kid mohair
- alpaca
- bfl
115g — $45.00
I have an entire day of spinning tomorrow before class, a visit from Holli, a store order to drop off and some packing to do for the last show this weekend. Sleep might be a good idea.
by carmen | Dec 9, 2009 | Uncategorized
Good enough to eat, but a custom order for a Chocolatier. Designing the truffle was as much fun as the knit piped icing.
I have been locked up for the last two days with Nancy. Seaming, finishing. Not everyone can have their hygenist help them with their knitting. It’s amazing what a small offering of tequila can accomplish.
by carmen | Dec 7, 2009 | Uncategorized
The studio flooded…..flooded. The craft Gods are vengeful gods. I am clearly being punished for coveting another artist’s studio space yesterday. I know it.
So today, Joan and I go together to her “new” studio space and we’re talking about how great it is to be roomies and I open the door to it raining inside the studio. I instantly hit survival mode grabbing, moving, covering and lifting. Actually, that’s not true, my upstairs neighbour heard my screams of “OMG” way before I went into survival mode. Joan was pretty funny –she wanted to thank me for throwing her the shower……
Without exaggeration, the situation was highly unpleasant. The carpet was no longer able to absorb water, containers were full of mirky water and it was raining inside my studio space.

Shop Vac Attack
In the middle of all of this I forgot to call a customer and tell her not to come. Thanks Darlene for being so understanding and for showing me how fantastic Autumn looks when knit up.

You’ve got to find your happy where you can and apparently I can easily be distracted by pretty yarn and knitting. And the show must go on, right?
Another customer, some sloshing through and a hat goes to it’s rightful owner.

Shortly after that Mariegold and Valerie showed up. Knitting ensued while I continued the clean up. There was laughing and some heaters were brought in so it was toasty warm (and damp). Even on what was the crappiest day I could ever have, I was surrounded and supported by friends. It kind of made everything okay….

The icing on my freakish day…when Jean showed up for a crochet lesson and Toni right behind her ….you may remember that just before the show Toni knit the coolest KnitPicks elf. Deep into the book and weeks since I had seen her last, Toni had moved on to this….
A garland of knit popcorn and cranberries. What a great project for the holiday season.
I may be in denial about all of the happenings today. There may be tears later, but somehow I don’t think so.
by carmen | Dec 6, 2009 | Uncategorized
But I own it now anyway. It is my tradition to give myself a little something after a show( they are hard work!!!)…Nothing extraordinary, but something hand made so that we can all continue on our artisan paths. Due to much mutual respect and trading, this was easy to justify.
Thank you, Jen for making something so organic and lovely. I’ve already test knit and crocheted with it…It feels so nice on my hand.
I’ve got my evening cut out for me…..working on my tree hat. Thanks to Circle Craft for featuring it their show guide this year but next year I will have to limit the number of orders for this hat(so many branches).
by carmen | Dec 4, 2009 | Uncategorized
We don’t “do” Christmas. Haven’t for years. When you are adults without children and you don’t have nieces and nephews, the gift giving seems to be a bit much. It’s also my busiest season and I’m really too consumed with working and orders to decorate and I’m working all the craft shows without the ability to shop them…In other words, it’s just no longer on my radar.
That’s why last nights unexpected gift really knocked me off my feet.
One of my students gave me some hand dyed silk hankies that she bought at a yarn shop in Colorado when she was on holidays recently.
This gift touched me on so many levels. It was for no occasion and it was deeply personal. It isn’t just a gift……it is a real treasure.
Do not adjust your monitors. These really are the colours and there is no flash adding to this sheen. I wasn’t sure what the lesson plan was going to be for next week, but now guess who’ll be spinning silk hankies?
Getting gifts makes you feel great or lousy. Giving gifts can also make you feel pretty good or really lousy (based on appreciation levels, etc) I don’t often give gifts, but when I do, I hope the people I share with find meaning in them. I always receive the best gift of time from my friends and often joke about having no needs. Time is what always means the most to me.
PLEASE NOTE: This post is in no way meant to solicit spinning fibre presents, more silk hankies or chocolates. Really. No really…. I just need the holidays to be smaller and more meaningful.
And Pearl….your thrifted gifts are always the best…I am especially loving my vintage chalk holder and the 50 or so pairs of knitting needles that you have helped add to my collection…
by carmen | Dec 4, 2009 | Uncategorized
I had the best studio visit today… So maybe it was fated for me to seriously uber shrink the original hat? The Melonhead models get better looking every day. And only 20 more orders to go!