by carmen | Oct 2, 2009 | Uncategorized
Oh my. It’s been a long time since I’ve been this sick. I have taken a stab at horizontal knitting. It makes my arms really tired and does not stave off the nausea.
The couch has become a nest of poorly attempted projects and the coffee table is covered with Buffy DVDs. Maybe, tomorrow…..
by carmen | Sep 30, 2009 | Uncategorized
There are only two more weekends left of Whistler and I need show my full gratitude for the support I have had over the season. There is a fibreganza brewing.
Yes, spinning, crochet, wool and other assorted goodies. At the Marriot, coming soon. Stay tuned for details.
by carmen | Sep 25, 2009 | Uncategorized
I realize it’s been a while since I’ve had a chance to blog. The new studio, in addition to teaching has really filled my days. Thank goodness I know people who force me to have some fun.
The Seattle destination gave me a chance to catch up with good friends. (not even moderately wicked themselves)
We covered a lot of territory in the few days. The highlights…..
Behold the truffle. Bacon and maple syrup in dark chocolate ganache. Heavenly… was only one but I think I looked kind of like this when I was done.
Pike Place was it’s usual spectacular.

JP picked a wonderful hotel and I slept the sleep of the dead. Perhaps it had something to do with finding this at the foot of the bed in the morning. Yes, I brought my handspun on holidays with me.
On another note…..My spinning class finished. All graduated successful spinners. The gorgeous local hand dyed mohair that they were spinning with just made their yarn that much more yummy. It had such good response that it looks like I will be starting an intermediate class next week. What a great group of women!
by carmen | Sep 16, 2009 | Uncategorized
My first full day of production in the new space.
- two visits
- one private lesson
- 2 great skeins
- a hat
Good times, people. Good times. I will be bringing the coffee pot tomorrow. Is it perfectly organized? Not quite, but it’s cleaner than my house and JP’s lavender is filling the air.

by carmen | Sep 15, 2009 | Uncategorized
Today is the four month anniversary of having the studio space. Today was also the day I moved into my new larger studio space (in the same studio).
It only took four months to realize that I needed much more space. It was fine for just me, but it hasn’t been “just me” in quite some time. Every week I am thrilled to have new visitors, students, and friends just pop by.
Dismantling the old space was an ordeal. John was instrumental in getting in getting all the hardware removed. I put up a substantial amount of yarn holdering type instruments (oops, I mean Toni did) way over my head! Things were a bit disorganized (more oopsy)

I am so thrilled to have moved to the other side. Now the final bits of yarn have left our principal residence, even the storage lockers. Boxes and boxes of yarn, fleece, rovings, packaging and books. Tomorrow the rest of the dyeing equipment will land in the new home. The biggest shift of all……… I am bringing the coffee maker. Now the studio will be complete!
Here’s a sneak peak at the (not completely) reorganized, new and improved space.

And just in time…..Circle Craft is in less than 2 months. My booth number is 150 and I am right at the front door. Inventory is crucial this year and it won’t happen without the new yarn domicile. Great things are happening here and I’m officially letting the countdown begin.
The coffee pot will be on…
by carmen | Sep 7, 2009 | Uncategorized
How could I be so lucky? Today the Space Channel is having a Star Trek Marathon. (the original series, top 10 episodes and digitally remastered). Sounds like a full day of knitting to me.
Most folks enjoy taking the day off today. How fortunate I am to have a job I enjoy so much that I want/need to work on the holiday. (and the Star Trek marathon makes it that much sweeter).
I leave you to your day with this picture. A lone, brand new skein from one of my students. Beautiful.

by carmen | Sep 2, 2009 | Uncategorized
Last weekend’s market at Whistler was the best one, ever. Great sales, conversations, customers and crochet lessons. I love sharing what I know about craft at the market. John was a designated dog walker this weekend (which helped immensely) Whistler is definitely a dog market.
We had our AGM for the market at the end of the day. One of the few chances I have had to see some of the vendors as the sales day doesn’t normally present time to wander. It was also my opportunity to step up and be more involved, so this year, I am now a member of the Board of Directors. (more reason to spend more time in Whistler)
I believe in farmers’ markets and how they build communities and my best experiences are at the market, so I am thrilled to serve.
The ride home was mysteriously beautiful.
The ride was the perfect time to think about my week ahead. I’m looking forward to teaching my first spinning class on Thursday. Really… Irene, I defer to your brilliance and I thank you for everything you taught me. I hope I am adequately able to pass your knowledge on. I want people to love spinning and I want to have a hand in creating that excitement like you did for me.
Hand spun yarn makes wonderful things. And everyone deserves the pleasure of knitting with hand spun. Even I steal a skein away from my inventory now and again.
Spin or knit something squishy, fashionable and warm.
by carmen | Aug 28, 2009 | Uncategorized
It was all about the twist. Hand spun, core spun, redone, plied, felted…..I’m doing my best to catch up, but the yarn orders keep coming and I’m starting to be buried under the pile of fibre. Today was a success insofar as I was able to complete a few orders and get a leg up on the weekend.
Some process photos first.
And the resulting yarns in all their fluffy loveliness.

The flowers are cashmere. I did not mind spending my day knee deep in cashmere.

I decided to offset the black, grey and white with red fruit loops. The mix of kid mohair, alpaca and silk is decadent.
The yarn on the left is loaded with hand dyed mohair locks in beautiful coppers and greens. The yarn on the right is the tomatoes on the vine. I never get tired of this yarn and it is so loaded.
I was plurking this as I was spinning this. It was hot, sexy love, love for this yarn…I haven’t reskeined this yet. (Bad sign – it means I’m probably knitting it). I’m calling it Angel Blush. Please email me if you would like the stats on this yarn. I’m just going to molest, I mean weigh it now.
Hope all your dreams are fluffy and yarnie tonight.
by carmen | Aug 24, 2009 | Uncategorized
I have been waiting all season for Neige to return to the market. Everything was spot on about today’s market in Whistler, particularly seeing my favourite hat model again.

So many things clicked today.
1. The energy was amazing. A true hustle and bustle.
2. I sold several pieces that were “favourites”
3. I found a knitter who had not heard of ravelry. She may not forgive me for this introduction.
4. I had my first “trunk” show. Two fantastic women turned up as the booth was fully packed into the car and we were just getting ready to drive away. Needing a few gifts, (and personal hats) it wasn’t hard to convince us to pop the trunk. Thanks to the B gals for the fun conversation and most unique shopping experience.
5. Dinner with JP at the end of it all. What a smashing day.
Thanks Suzanne. I can hardly wait to see the rest of the pics.
by carmen | Aug 20, 2009 | Uncategorized
How could it be a week already? I feel like I just got back from Whistler and it’s almost time to load up the car again.
Trout Lake on Saturday was a warm and breezy day with a lot of activity. I actually had some time to get some custom knitting finished and before I knew it the day was over.
From Trout Lake it was straight on to Whistler Market, but not before a little pit stop in Squamish for what is now our favourite Indian Restaurant. (Essence of India)

The Whistler Market on Sunday had an amazing energy. Perfect weather and the last day of Crankwerx—-definitely my people. I had a great time with the kids in the market this weekend.

Was really tempted to spend one more day in town and drive back on the Monday, but we had a date with destiny and a trip to Chiliwack for some fibre investigation and thrift store shopping.
On the Lion’s Gate Bridge, Sunday night.
Moday’s Chiliwack trip had me scoring many, many pairs of knitting needles and some fabulous vintage patterns for my collection.
Official ambassadors of town from the Corn Hut.
Another show today and I am pooped. The Electronic Arts Centre is an incredible collection of buildings in Burnaby. And I’m not just saying that because John worked with the architects on one of them! I can’t tell you how great it was to set up on a 6 ft by 3ft table only. No tent set up, no grid wall……heavenly.
Lots of yarn to finish for the weekend. Mostly custom orders, but if I forgo sleep between now and Saturday, I should be able to get it done.