What to do when you have the flu.

I’ve been in denial and down for the count for the last two days.  Since I haven’t been able to get dressed or leave the house or keep my head upright I opted for finishing some custom orders in my few moments of lucidity.

BTW, he is deliberately supposed to look pitiful.  And Lionel still looks way better than I feel.


The spinning class tonight was full of rock stars.  I am deeply humbled by this shared love and passion for all that is fibre.  Whle I watched each student find their own rhythm, I thought about how not so long ago it was when I took the same journey.  Amazing.  Now I can’t imagine a life without being surrounded by mega fluffs of free floating fibre.

And to come home and find this in my inbox…..well, I’d call this a near perfect day.  Thanks Gabi.

Can’t Help Myself…

MelonHead unwritten law…
You must knit your first hand spun of the year.

Next rule.  Immediately spin more.  I have decided to spin one yarn a day for the rest of the year  Who wouldn’t want their stash enhanced by 355 skeins of yarn.  Yarns will be posted in the new Project 355 tab.



I love knitting hats.  The more I shift to grown up stuff, the more photos like this turn up in my in box. *Sigh*  A copy of this picture also made it to the Pique(Whistler paper).  Jessica used this for her daughter’s birth announcement picture.

I think I’ll drop the scarf I’ve been working on and finish some baby hats today.