by carmen | Apr 9, 2011 | Spinning, Studio
The arrival of a new drum carder today was a thrill for the studio…One more carder Louet Fine Cloth it was taken for its first run and I think Kristin is up spinning that alpaca right now.
I was appreciative of a more frivolous item.
A Capsule Holder for the Dulce Gusto |
I finished the hat and scarf that I started yesterday. I just could not put the knitting down. Clearly a combination of yarn love mixed with caffeine overdrive. Here’s a pic of the yarn near coffee.
I have Jennifer to thank for the lovely addition of locks. These were hand dyed back in January just waiting for this batch of yarns I’ve been spinning. I wasn’t going to knit a hat, but Kristin insisted. I love a space where we all enable each other to spin and knit even more. I’ll put up a picture as soon as I find a model.
Lily Pond |
I managed one more corespun today, ever mindful of the upcoming 100th yarn. It’s also in the garden theme. I’m done with cores for now though…Spun that, done that. I think I’ll tackle something large tomorrow.
by carmen | Apr 7, 2011 | Spinning
Somehow my yarn a day seems to be turning into a batt a day with me being just fracking addicted to my carding machine all over again.
I was intending on working on a seascape type of yarn, but when two blobs of pink and purple got picked up from the carpet and carried into the finished yarn, I ended up with this lovely surprise.
Lurking Starfish |
More details on 355 Page. There will be knitting today…Pretty knitting.
by carmen | Apr 6, 2011 | Spinning
I seem to have attacked my carder over the last few days. There are a mountain of batts flying off of it. So happy, so fluffy, so lovely….
This batt contains BFL, alpaca, merino, angora, tussah silk, mohair locks, angelina and possibly a wee piece of my heart. Three of these were turned into yarn today that I could easily marry.
by carmen | Apr 5, 2011 | Spinning
I only had a short time in the studio today, so when I reached the carding machine I was on a frantic mission. How much could I card and spin before my student showed up……Two batts later, a new skein and a sigh of relief, I managed one skein before class.
I’ll be spinning the next skein on the Sonata (and going to the studio much earlier)
by carmen | Mar 31, 2011 | Knitting & Crochet, Spinning
Just wear it. Kristin is sporting the lastest “Mintage” bf sweater and a MelonHead KnitWear skein. What a great look! Thanks Kristin.
If you in the mood for a serious knit…..One skein of Guns and Roses makes these awesome wrist warmers…
Thanks Mariegold.
These warmers are hard core. Great knitting.
by carmen | Mar 29, 2011 | Dyeing, Spinning
The first time I dyed and spun BFL, I thought I had died. The staple, the sheen, the lustre…..oh my. Until that point I had only spun merino (which seemed so lifeless by comparison)
What was I thinking? The matte finish of this fibre is hauntingly beautiful and subtle. I am thrilled with the weekend’s production and can hardly wait to dig in. Merino, you have won me back.
I can hardly wait to get back in to the studio tomorrow. Kristin and I will be having a dyeathon.