by carmen | Jan 29, 2011 | Spinning
I’m fostering a Kromski Sonata for a week. I’ve had a warm squishy feeling about these wheels since Irene had me spin on one in my course at Place des Arts. These are relatively new wheels to the shop and with the wealth of choices available to me, I really haven’t taken the time to get to know Javier. (Yes, that’s his name) After Quincy tuned him up for me I decided to take him for a spin for a week to discover all the wonderful things this wheel can do.
On the wheel—some amazing BFL and silk blend from Sweet Georgia. Colourway? It almost doesn’t matter. They’re all wonderful. No, I don’t quite have my sea legs back yet, but the wheel will be heading out to the studio with me tomorrow….I know, I keep threatening to get back to work. It will happen, you’ll see.
by carmen | Jan 14, 2011 | Spinning
It’s been a long time since we’ve had a full afternoon together. I have missed our quality time my sweet Louet Drum Carder. Thank you for not judging me for our time apart. I promise I won’t abandon you again.
by carmen | Jan 11, 2011 | Spinning, Studio
Today was the first day of 355 days of yarning. In order to fully apply myself to the task, I called in the cavalry to get me through it. Toni, Mariegold, Jennifer and even Paul cheered me on, and photo documented the process.
While I was working on my second single Toni was prepping me for the day of organization tomorrow. Yes, I gave up part of my studio space to another textile designer. I felt I needed all the space, but really I was just greedy and inefficient with the space I had.
The streamlining should be good for me and it gets me in the studio tomorrow. I’ll have to remember to bring the hitchhiker home so that I will still be able to stay on point for my spinning project on the days I don’t make it to the studio. Must also remember to stuff a few batts in my purse as well then.
by carmen | Jan 10, 2011 | Knitting & Crochet, Spinning, Yarn a Day
MelonHead unwritten law…
You must knit your first hand spun of the year.
Next rule. Immediately spin more. I have decided to spin one yarn a day for the rest of the year Who wouldn’t want their stash enhanced by 355 skeins of yarn. Yarns will be posted in the new Project 355 tab.
by carmen | Sep 2, 2010 | Dyeing, Spinning, Studio
….not that I haven’t loved all the company this week, but today was the sweetest day ever.
The cat matches the couch and the corespun yarn of the day….Best of Ray Charles is playing in the background, Clare is plying some yarn and I’m taking yarn out of the steamer.
I realize that I am not high in production, but there’s a whole lot of happy here today. Might start another colourway while Habib is napping.
by carmen | Apr 30, 2010 | Spinning
From sheep to shimmer
wrapped fibre and small knit orbs
I am in constant motion
not sure what I am creating
busy hands rather than
in all, I still move in the direction of
the wool,
less in control than I would like
texture passing through hand
stolen moments of connection