So now that it’s all over……

This is by far the prettiest picture of the show…John and Pearl rolling up the fancy carpet at the close of the show. That final wrapping up gesture represented 6 days of the show and 6 months of my knitting and spinning.

Now I’m sure you are thinking how did you manage all of that? Well, I didn’t. Without an army of volunteers behind me, none of this would have been possible. I would like to thank (in no particular order)


and from the show…

the convention centre security guard
the Starbucks Holiday Turkey Sandwich
and Nancy (our dental hygienist)

You all know who you are and why I am so indebted to you. Here are Mike and I taking a break.

I wanted to leave you with a few pics of pretties from the booth during the show…Most are sold, but there might be one or two things left if you are interested.

I’m working on some lovely free form designs for this weekend at Fab Fair as well as the orders I have to be picked up there. There will be a FiddleHead Felt hat if you are still interested Carol!

More photos of the new designs tomorrow.

Calling all Gorgeous Children

Still trying to poke my head up from under the ginormous pile of hand spun that I buried myself under. I did manage to make it to the post office and get an order shipped out, but it will be a few weeks before I have all orders done….If you have ordered something custom from me, please bear with me. I am working through my inbox to get everything out in time.

I have had two e-mails that just jumped out at me that I had to share. One is this photograph


There’s nothing better than a gorgeous child modeling your knits to increase sales….Thanks Suzanne for sending me those pictures!

And just a little note from a customer.

“I bought one of your hand spun wool hats at Circle Craft and I have been stopped on the street with compliments. Perhaps you might want to mail me some business cards to pass out to people who are coveting my hat. Hope to see you there next year!” —-Louise.

Thanks so much for all this delicious feedback. Back to the real world, knit, pearl, spin, REPEAT.

Show Coma

I want to tell you all about Circle Craft and how great it was and all the funny and weird things that happened, but the truth of the matter is that I feel like I’m wearing a lead pantsuit. Every part of my body is aching (including my brain)…

So I will just leave you with this (courtesy of Joan)

This is the actual fuzzy article. I am a proud mama.

On the other hand I am knee deep in show carcasses. Orders to be completed, custom work to be done and orders to be shipped. I am confused but happy. I should have it all sorted out in a few days. Just in time for the Fab Fair at Heritage Hall this Saturday and Sunday…

Come and pop by…I’ll have yarn!

So Where are these Imaginary DIY Hat Kits?

I’ve been called out. The kits have yarn, and they have a price, and they have been knit, but they still aren’t a kit. I have sold so much hand spun at the show that I am now obligated to have patterns for people to use.

The yarn is sweet heavenly baby soft love. It shimmers, it moves, it has life and it needs to be knit by someone other than me. It’s like leaving your children on the first day of preschool —you know they’ll be fine on their own, but you want to be there for any misstep because you aren’t just quite ready to let go.

It’s time. Give me a month and the kits will be live…..yes, in time for Christmas gift giving to your favourite knitter.

There is only one more day left of the show. It’s going to be a long knit nite…only because I know what’s missing from the booth that needs to be replaced. It’s going to be a long night because JP took John and I out for dinner to an amazing restaurant and it will take 6 hours to digest this food. It’s going to be a long night because my brain is racing with possibilities and I just can’t put them to rest. Oh, and it’s going to be a long night because my cat has recently started snoring (like loudly).

Oh, and I have a show next weekend.

When it rains it pours

and for once I’m not talking about our Vancouver weather. I just found out that I am going to be in an article about Circle Craft for the Georgia Straight. I just got off the phone and finished up the interview. And to top it off, the woman who interviewed me crochets. Yeah….

It’s not just all about the knitting anymore folks..Time to round out those skills and bring crochet into the forefront where it deserves to be. Kim Werker has done more for crochet cool than anyone out there at the moment. There was even talk of a crochet Stitch n Bitch. I would love that.

I hate myself in photographs, but it’s part of getting the work out there, and why am I doing this if not to get folks jonesing for the accessories. This is the photograph being used in the online Circle Craft Brochure.

Oh, and this one as well…

I’m not sure which photo they are using for the Georgia Straight. Just as long as I’m not in it, things will be fine. It’s just coming up to 5 years in Vancouver and finally the work is getting noticed….It feels good and I’m feeling pretty grateful.

Well with all the surprise new press, I best get my butt in gear as far as the inventory goes…And I was having so much fun spinning this morning.

The Accidental Latte

Yesterday I needed to get away from the studio. There are so many UFO’s in that room that I feel like there is an actual alien invasion of fibre. Who ever thought I would run away from my own yarn?

All I wanted was the serenity of one yarn, one project, all in white and no distraction. This caused me to head out at the ungodly hour of 6am to Starbucks for my usual fake beverage. Since I have given up caffeine, I have been very careful about that part of the beverage ordering. Also, since the detox, very careful instructions on non fat, no sugar, etc and yet, most of my beverages have been wrong in at least one area. I consider a correct fulfilling of my order a delightful surprise.

The single project and the latte

The sleeve on the latte

Yep, somehow I managed to get a skinny vanilla latte. I sat down in the big chair, pulled out the crocheting and thought ” I will have a peaceful morning and I will accept this latte” (regardless of its possible consequences down the road). It was the most serene hour I have had in weeks, even with the morning bustle of people behind me trying to get their “on the way to work” fix.

Once back home the entire felting day left me pleased with the results and inspired to stay up a bit later to see what else I could complete.

Here’s a little gallery of shots for you. Please contact me if you see anything in the felts that you like. They will be one of a kinds for the show and I can put one aside!

I’m supposed to be working on children’s sweaters today. I’m not sure that’s going to happen with the amount of UFO’s still currently choking up the studio.