by carmen | Oct 18, 2008 | Uncategorized
with this………..
This is the thing I have been pining for and dreaming about. It’s all mine….mine, mine, mine.
My Louet drum carder. Isn’t she sexy? Here is my first batt (which I had to tackle about 5 minutes out of the box…..
Still on the carder….Soon to be this.
I am so in love. I am romantically attached. I want to dedicate poems to its’ loveliness and make sure that it is always caressed with the most luscious fibre.
Side profile of same batt…
Does anyone have a cigarette?
I want to not attach so much importance to this “thing”…but she is special…She changes everything. She makes the sun shine brighter and I shall call her Aisha.
At the end of the first day I am the proud mama to this wall of batts..No they are not for sale. They will all be spun and knit by me. I cannot let them go…..
And some sexy close ups…

Believe it or not, I actually have to return to the knitting…..Not happy…want to be with my new romance…Will she wait for me….?
by carmen | Oct 16, 2008 | Uncategorized
Knock, knock, who’s there?….Oh, Canada Post maam, but you must not be home so we’ll just leave you this note and have you trek over to the post office to carry pounds of yarn in a big giant cardboard box down Granville Street.
Now what the frack…? How can I watch them come to my house, not knock on the door, say they did and leave me a note….Next they will ring my doorbell and I will run outside to step on the bag of flaming poo. I mean really….don’t say I wasn’t home when I was staring at the top of your head writing a note…
‘Nuf said.
What comes in the mail is wondrous and beautiful….orgasmic fibre…. I am really starting to receive supplies in abundance. Now if I can just find the time to process them all. Yes, I occasionally buy commercial yarn…I can’t spin it all.

Pearl and I foraged for supplied today and I found some amazing shell buttons as well which work with just about everything I have recently made. Yippee.
Oh, and on top of everything I have purchased, spun, will spin, Pearl let me have this little gem today…Some experimental carding of her own…I promise to do you proud girl. It’s so soft, it makes me want to put on my jammies and use it as my new pillow.
Joan is coming over tomorrow…Toni is coming over tomorrow, stuff is happening folks. Joan and I are having a project work morning and she is bringing her current WIP’s over to my place. It will keep us both motivated for these last days of inventory building.
One last picture …me. …..This was probably my last carefree day of the season. On the way to the top of Blackcombe with my peeps, not a care in the world.
It’s Wednesday, right? I am losing track of the days (daze) but at least I am still able to tell morning from night. I haven’t pulled the marathon knit in at least a week.
by carmen | Oct 15, 2008 | Uncategorized
What does every knitter, crocheter spinner gal want to add to their Christmas list? A drum carder of course. I have been coveting this handy tool at every opportunity —worshops, Birkeland Bros, in Spinners Mag —just everywhere. It was actually the most recent edition of Spinners in an article about drum carding that just left me drooling.
I have been schlepping back and forth to Whistler for the entire season….sleeping in hotels, living la vida crafta and ended the season with a bang….why not treat myself? So this morning, before getting dressed, I was online, digging out a credit card and splurging like I just won the lottery.
On top of that, I would now require a substantial amount of fibre to play with and placed those orders as well. Life is suweet…so now I just get to sit back, whip out the sticks, work on my Circle Craft inventory and wait for the postal service to start delivering all my goodies.
A year ago, I didn’t think I’d ever be spinning, now I am all up in the fibre. I don’t know how it happened, or why really. I’m just grateful.
by carmen | Oct 14, 2008 | Uncategorized
I forgot my laptop when we left for Whistler on Friday afternoon. I’m glad. Edgewater Lodge is on Green Lake in Whistler. We stayed there for four days over the last Farmer’s Market of the season. It was spectacular. Peaceful, restful, an oasis of calm in the chaotic Turkey sale weekend that was going on around us….near us and almost over top of us.
Lesson One…Do not stand between a man and a pair of ski bindings that are on sale. You will be trampled to death.
Every night this is the view I was lucky enough to knit to, sitting in the window ledge. One morning I was held captive by the fog moving across the water. I had never seen anything like it. We walked and hiked around the lake. John found a new dog best friend and the games of fetch became more and more complicated. We picked wildflowers for the room, lit candles and I even did a tarot reading (which I have not done in ages). I never find a place quiet enough to do it. I’m almost sorry to say this, but it was magical.
This was the first time over the entire season (included 3 stays at the Fairmont) that I did not want to check out….I was knitting with a view until 10:59am…..
We had no rain during the two days of the sale which was amazing for business. Unfortunately, the rain couldn’t hold off any longer so we had to include it in our Monday hiking…..We were almost dry by the time we made it back to Vancouver.
There are a few locals I would like to thank for making our summer so enjoyable.
May, Al, Janice and Dick—-Your place is amazing. I told you I will be camping in your yard at least once or twice over the winter! Sorry. I know your address.
Jan…..your company, our yarn chats, your inspirational aerial feats. I enjoyed every weekend you stopped in the booth. More than that, John loved his visit with Dagger. (forgive my spelling) and I am still looking forward to spinning his fur.
Diane….thank you for our yarn chats and taking a risk on the Monkey wool. Thank you for introducing me to the Friday night knitting group at the Fairmont. I think knitting in a bar is cool. I’ll make it up there one of these weekends soon.
Cat…..thanks for your kindness and support over the season. You helped make the market a terrific experience for me.
by carmen | Oct 10, 2008 | Uncategorized
I love merino, I could knit with it forever, all day and all night…(and sometimes I do). I love the lanolin, the sheen, the cool comfort that it offers. I love using it in my children’s designs and am always confident that it will be next to skin soft and last a really long time.
For the last few months, I have continually reknit to replenish my existing stock. There hasn’t been much time to work on other designs, or spin or really delve into anything new.
Spun on a silk core thread these little puffs of angora, mohair and silk just cradle the core. Not translucent like PluckFluffs delightful yarn, but a bit more dense. I am so satisfied and look forward to coming home in a few days to spin some more.
Headed out to Whistler tomorrow for the last weekend of the market. If you haven’t experienced the Turkey Sale before —–do it….There will be amazing deals on ski equipment and of course the market over 2 days —and, yes, it MAY NOT rain.
Thirty days to Circle Craft and counting. And the craft gods responded kindly by making my cold only last 24 hours. Blessings and gratitude….just keep me healthy until December!
by carmen | Oct 8, 2008 | Uncategorized
I finally dropped my needles yesterday in favour of some much needed spinning time. Wheel at the ready. I spun like a mad woman…I really haven’t explored any of the techniques I learned in my PluckyFluff workshop…Of course Toni had to come over and fix the wheel first. Yes, I broke it again. I’m so hard on these things….working out issues???
After 9 skeins I had to call it quits…Other life issues were calling, but damn it felt good…Like dinner with an old friend. The inventory is progressing nicely. And I even got my hats shipped out in time for the photo shoot ahead of the deadline. I’m pleased because today it all came to a screeching halt…..
Welcome to my autumn cold from hell. How can a simple cold impede inventory building, you ask….Well, the amount of time spent using Kleenex, disposing of Kleenex and the 200 times I have had to wash my hands, the knitting is definitely not up to par..
If there is a device that actually drains your nasal passages into a convenient container while I continue to knit, please let me know. In the meantime I have treated myself to the cadillac of kleenex (triple ply with aloe and vitamin E)…My nose feels like raw meat.