by carmen | Sep 30, 2008 | Uncategorized
Battered larynx aside, Pearl and I had an opportunity to enjoy the best that Whistler had to offer this weekend. Many, many thanks to Janice and Dick for their incredible kindness and hospitality. I can’t recall the last time I felt this great (or ate so well). They have an amazing place and made us feel so welcome.

With full bellies and happy hearts, Pearl and I were able to knit until the wee hours.
And what would we both choose to do with no market, no deadlines and a day off……Find an inspirational place to knit.
And have a picnic…..
And then have woodland creatures join you for your picnic….
And then notice the fungus among us.
It was almost too hot in the sun, and too chilly in the shade, but we managed to each complete a project. Pearl wrapped herself up in the picnic blanket…Sun on my face and a sense of accomplishment….Also more nature in a day than I am used to..lovely.
As we were heading out of town, I knew that this was truly the last best day of my season. Pearl noticed that the trees were coloured like a row of stop lights….It’s even beautiful leaving town!

by carmen | Sep 29, 2008 | Uncategorized
This season has been replete with injuries. Stupid things, silly things. I have definitely had my share of scrapes. Yesterday was the truly fun one, as I managed to get a sixty pound tent jammed into my throat. I can’t even really explain how it happened, but you have to laugh.
Sorry, maybe later. My throat is a bit sore. This goes well with my mini concussion of a few weeks ago at Trout Lake when I hit myself in the head with 3 grid walls.
I’m just saying.
I have met several members of a funky group of women in Whistler who have a Stitch and Bitch at the Fairmont on Friday nights in the bar. Now that is a knitting group! They have invited me to next weekend’s “meeting”. Even though I’m not usually in Whistler until Saturday afternoon, I’m thinking I will have to take them up on their offer.
Pretty drinks, gorgeous surroundings, new and fun people to knit with and talk about yarn with….hmmm. Don’t think I can say no to that….Now, how to organize it….I will work it out somehow….
In the meantime I will nurse my battered throat, knit a bunch of stuff and think about how much fun I’ll have knitting a bunch more stuff with new people.
Pearl and I knit the hell out Whistler this weekend. Again, beautiful surroundings, mountains, lakes and yarn… And we are heading out soon for a knit picnic near the creek…again, rushing water, mountain backdrop… YEAH
by carmen | Sep 26, 2008 | Uncategorized
A nice ice pack, a few hours sleep and another day of knitting begins. I took a marathon approach to crochet yesterday and enjoyed the challenge, but a weird thing happened to my shoulder….Has this ever happened to anyone while crocheting. Never happened while knitting, so I do think it is a specific crochet injury.
More of this weeks mountain of stuff.
I am finishing web orders and custom orders today, working on felt, going to look at a studio space and trying to organize and pack for a weekend in Whistler….I’m going with Pearl this weekend instead of John. I’m sure he’ll enjoy his weekend off and I’ll get a chance to knit in a beautiful home rather than my usual hotel weekends. Maybe the wheel might even fit in the van….?
I know I will not be able to finish everything on the list. I will not kick myself for not getting it done. No one can say that I’m not putting the effort in. I am not a hamster on a wheel. There is progress. As I have less and less room to store what I knit and more and more yarn is turned into finished goods, I can see the progress.
My conclusion for all this “hard” work…I deserve some spinning time! Waiting for the Wensleydale. Rebecca has convinced me that it will be a dream to spin…I believe her, she owned alpacas and llamas. Anyone who has owned such fabulous animals could never tell a fibre lie.
Bring it on.
by carmen | Sep 25, 2008 | Uncategorized
This week I started, yes finally a production schedule worthy of the craft gods. Dedicated time for each task. Felt in early morning, kidswear in remainder of morning. Adult stuff in the afternoon and spinning in the evening. Confession —that schedule actually lasted a full day.
I cannot work and split my days into nice tidy little sections. If kids stuff is rocking my world today, then I have to go with that. I’m not going to stop the train to do a load of dishes or get a manicure. Nope —just can’t do it…I have had to curb my urge to spin, although I will be bringing yarn to my craft shows, it is not the focus, so I really have to hold myself back.
This week is pandering….focus on what I know sells, get as many ranges of size as possible and put them in the inventory bank. The last few weeks will be for what is funky and fun and creative. Got to pay the bills.
Here is the first mountain of hats…..funky, chunky little monkeys that they are…But only the beginning of the pile….

How are my arms holding out…Well, so far, I’m liking my left arm better, my right forearm looks like it belongs to Popeye, but you got to do what you got to do. I’ll mix it up with some spinning this weekend and work on wearing out my legs instead!
This season is very exciting…I cannot tell you how much I am looking forward to Circle Craft, possible studio space and new designs (again). It’s almost more than one girl can take…almost. The fire under my ass is pretty hot, this knit girl factory stops for no one.
by carmen | Sep 23, 2008 | Uncategorized
Sadly, the Farmer’s Market season is coming to an end. At least the outdoor part of it. I hope those of you who enjoyed the markets over the summer will continue to support the Winter Market at Wise Hall as well as local produce at your regular winter outlet. And as the craft show season approaches to get out and support local designers and artisans who would not be able to continue their work without you.
I feel a bit weepy…the summer was wonderful and (mostly) sunny. The customers were quirky and vibrant and engaging. I will still be in the Whistler market until the Thanksgiving. The last weekend is actually the Saturday and Sunday…Now that’s a weekend…Rain or shine the Turkey Trot promises to be exciting.
In the meantime, I’m lighting my first fire in the fireplace, welcoming fall and enjoying a pumpkin spice latte (decaf). Bring on Autumn, send the leaves my way. I’m waiting for a huge shipment of fleece that will be spun and knit into wonderful warm things to keep you cozy this fall and winter.
Stay cozy, stay warm.
by carmen | Sep 22, 2008 | Uncategorized
So I huffed and I puffed and then I PLUCKY FLUFFED…….
This is my second workshop this year and my brain is in overdrive. When I first got into the workshop room I was thrilled to see all the spinning wheels, but more than that…there were two tables covered with fibre….The urge to strip off my clothes and dive in was only outweighed by the possibility of being arrested and missing the workshop.
I buy my fibre dyed in rovings and/or carded and blended for me. It give me a base to work from and has always been good for my creative self….UNTIL I saw this…
I will have one…oh yes, I will, I will brown bag my lunches, cut back on fancy coffees, take in laundry and do whatever it takes to own one, short of stealing it. It freakin changed my life.
It does this……
And turns the puffs and loose mohair and bits of fun stuff and makes this……
At this point I may have actually squealed but due to conversations and so many wheels a’ spinnin’, I don’t think anyone else heard me. This is what I managed to card in class…

I think I also carded in my dreams last night….oh you fibre temptress, you have me in your grip.
I didn’t spin as much as I wanted to, but I was only there for one day of the workshop. I managed to spin my licorice allsorts and threw a few skittles into the mix…
I can hardly wait to knit it…It will be my new scarf this year. But without a double the most fun was extra carded mohair mixed with angora for this ball of lovely bunny goodness.

Imagine a cloud, and then imagine something even softer and that’s what I spun. This technique is incredible. It’s like adding miniature puffs to the wheel only moderately spun…Its almost hollow. The best thing about it is that the whole ball of yarn was probably only an ounce, but let me tell you, it was an OUNCE with BOUNCE…….It was so large I had to finger knit it…
A sliver of the completed FO, now having found itself a lovely home in Australia….Bye little fluffy bunny. I didn’t really get a chance to know you, but you will have a good home with an artist who will love you and take care of you!
There was so much more about the class to talk about, but I have to go and fondle some fibre now. I promise to fill in the blanks later. Online to search for my carder now.