by carmen | Sep 5, 2008 | Uncategorized
I have hating not having the entire week planned out when friends come to visit. I want to entertain, but I need to knit and I feel obligated to “entertain”. Kind of foolish really as Julie is really good at being amused and entertained by anything….(seriously).
So, how do you provide the best vista, get your job done and look like a hero in the process. A gorgeous day including taking the ferry to Nanaimo and coming back the same day…Perfect for me —-4 hours of quality “ferry” knitting time.

Once off the ferry, how to stay entertained….Here’s a rack of brochures. I am torn between a bus trip to Tofino to dip my toe in the ocean and a visit to Qualicum Cheeseworks….I think the cheese may win.
After mathematical calculations regarding time, the universe and everything else, we have settled on local sightseeing in Nanaimo.
The bus terminal at the ferry….The new terminal at Nanaimo is beautiful BTW…
We walked the entire town taking a break in between shopping districts for fish and chips on the pier.

Tea shops, more chocolate, a yarn store, and some lovely boutiques….A quick bus ride back to the ferry and we were ready for Vancouver. I love this idea of being a tourist in British Columbia. Seeing things through someone else’s eyes makes my province fresh and new again. (not that I would ever get tired of living here). Julie will be going home tomorrow, and I can feel her trying to suck up the last mountain views.

Leaving the island in our wake.

Oddly enough, once we were back in Vancouver, I managed to mislead a tourist by giving him incorrect directions for the bus to the airport, having him miss his stop, and then Julie and I had to walk him to the correct stop and ride the bus with him (just for a bit) to make sure he got off to the airport ok……Wow, bad directions, I REALLY am a tourist this week.
by carmen | Sep 3, 2008 | Uncategorized
Once a year Julie comes to visit. Once a year, I am a tourist in my own town.
I feel compelled to plan out the week and often have it brimming with “events”. This year, we are taking it day by day. Today we started out early at Kits Beach. Thanks to a quick lift from Pearl, we were all able to enjoy the early day breeze and sun trying to fight its way through.
The kids are back in school, a lot of the tourists are gone, and the beach was pretty much ours. We did manage to share it with this fun dog, some abandoned coffee and a cluttered mound of clams.

After the beach we decided to walk for a while. Up to 4th Avenue to enjoy some eclectic shopping, have a coffee and hang on a patio. That is, after all the true Vancouver experience. Once we hit Burrard we decided we would quick step it back home and were stopped dead in our tracks….

Chocolate…..Not just any chocolate.. MONDE Chocolat. In think anyone that can take cheesecake, drizzle it in chocolate and then put it on a stick and freeze it will automatically be my hero.
I picked this up for John, two small bars for myself and let me just show you Julie’s stash. Now, in her defense, she is a tourist and most of this will be going home with her.
Chocolates are of their own design as well as a fair sampling of world chocolates. A lot of focus on organic and fair trade and of course, exceptional taste. We were fortunate enough to be able to sample a few ganaches (imagine lime, coconut and cilantro).

Now in search of the perfect beverage to accompany our fine chocolates. Any suggestions?
by carmen | Sep 3, 2008 | Uncategorized
Due to family/friend obligations, my knitting is falling by the wayside. I now have a backlog of custom orders which has not happened to me before. I somehow always manage to stay on top of things, but today I am looking at my inbox and feeling completely overwhelmed.
So how to start?. One foot in front of the other, or one yarn over and carry forward. I was able to take some knitting with me on my Whistler adventure. Nothing done. I took my knitting to Squamish. Marginal knitting done. Please see picture of Squamish knitting.

Apparently I was more concerned about the view and art shots of the hand spun. I love what I do and I even appreciate so much more that people are standing in line to buy it. But time and my love of the work are competing and putting me fearfully behind. For anyone currently waiting for an order, please bear with me.
Back to the pile of fibre, optimism intact. How fantastic are these hats going to their new owners? Freaking fantastic…..
Knit One
Pearl One
Finish One
by carmen | Sep 2, 2008 | Uncategorized
……and you can’t make money without it….Today’s post is about spending the weekend in Whistler as a tourist.
Bear Sightings half way up Blackcombe

I don’t think this is the one they meant. However, I am assuming tourism bear can be dangerous to your wallet.

As well as bear traps, you must beware of tourist traps. They are brightly coloured and cleverly disguised….Usually recognizable by the name of the city embellished on a normal household item that does not require it, for example salt and pepper shakers…….BEWARE
Another thing to be cautious of on any holiday……The not so elusive super sized Caesar.

After a few of these, you are far more likely to be lured in by the other traps noted above…..BTW, I really do love Whistler….
by carmen | Aug 29, 2008 | Uncategorized
Like a mad dervish, in whirling and swirling succession, I left myself go…..
Spin how you feel…

This yarn is called Paris.
Paris is sexy.
Superwash merino in pinks and blacks plied with nylon with glass beads.
How do you spin “Silly”

I call this “Wild Child”
A core soft merino loaded with mohair locks in odd and fun colours.
The twist is not set, deliberately over spun.
I feel adventurous….

This is “Sea Slugs”….
very West Coast. It sums up my whole experience of living in BC.
Organic, alive, funky, original.
I feel Sedate….
So spin something simple, yet striking….

Black and white merino plied together,
small lumps of the black slightly overpowering the white.
I feel pretty…..
Superwash merino plied.
One colour- lavender with little wool neps
2nd colour – green, cream and a bit of lavender.
“Lily Pad”
So soft and pretty.
I’ve therapeutically spun out all my emotions… I think I’ll spin “elated”……
by carmen | Aug 28, 2008 | Uncategorized

Yippee! hurray for me. Thanks Mike, thanks to all who participated in the cleaning, sorting, tossing and otherwise organization input for this room. Finally a place to create.