Market Wrap Up

I’m going to need a lot of inventory this season.  Thanks Kim.  You really made this tear down a snap.

You’ve Got to Have Friends

Calling my business a sole proprietorship is not at all accurate.  I know I would not have this business were it not for the generosity of my friends.  This week for example…..

The woven labels came in………thanks for your nimble fingers Toni
The receipt books (many) need their stickers …..thanks Karen
The hang tags are printed ……..thanks Kim for multiple days of tagging
Inventory needing sorting for this weekends show……..Paula, your timing and sorting skills – unmatched.
Hotel bookings for all out of town shows (5)……..John, thanks for finding the creature comforts of home on the road.

This is just one week in the life of my business.  I’m a lucky girl.



I’ve been knitting a lot.  More than usual.  More than I thought possible.  A lot. It wouldn’t take a lot to talk me into doing something else.  I sense a major carding day coming.  Photo of giant pile of finished hats will be available shortly.

A Relative Sense of Calm

Based on the number of shows I have booked this year, I should be completely freaked out.  One thing I have learned over the years is that the first market sets the tone for the rest of the season.

Sales, ease of set up, it all carries through.  And when the studio is tidy….well that’s just a huge bonus.

 I had a great night with Kristen last night, I made yarn, she made colour.  We made magic.