
Still working on my list.  I am determined to cross most of the issues off today.The 355 has been coming along nicely.  I’m pleased to say I’ve amassed quite a collection of hand spun.

Back to the list.

Studio Visit

Gabi was at my studio yesterday.  Here is a small sampling of some truly lovely photos that she took while there.  Now she knows exactly how disorganized I am (and it appears she is not going to hold it against me)

Stop Thief

A visit yesterday to one of Steveston’s many coffee shop turned into a giant knit fest.  Kim, Jennifer, Nancy and I settled in for a nice long knitterly afternoon.

I did something unusual, I frogged the cowl I was knitting in a gorgeous purple Malibrigo.  I just couldn’t get the look I wanted from the thick and thin yarn.  Frack…While I was watching everyone else’s projects grow, my shrunk, then altogether disappeared.

One highlight in our afternoon though.  Check out this little 15 month old thief taking off with my new Jordana Paige bag… gorgeous even a child wants to steal it!

Back to my evil “to do” list.

Running Away from "TO DO"

How did this list get so long.  Really.  It’s unfair.  Grossly so.

  • Exchange of a hat to be sent out.
  • 3 felt hats
  • 2 ginseng hats
  • finish stack of pirate hats
  • agenda for VAC meeting
  • find questionnaire for WFM board
  • purchase and understand new accounting software
  • loads of laundry
  • clean house
  • buy groceries
  • tune a kromski mistral (return a sonata)
  • dye more yarn to finish jury piece
  • finish and submit jury pieces
  • print and mail application for other shows
  • clean house
  • buy more cat litter
  • banking
  • bathroom
  • clean studio
  • cancel Monday’s class due to over committing

I’m sure I could add more things to this list, but I’m thinking I really shouldn’t be blogging until I can say I’m caught up.  With the exception of the 355 Project which is the bright spot in my day.  I need clown pants yarn!

Production Fridays Begin Again!

I am thrilled. Claire and I are starting so much earlier this year….She’s picking me up in a few minutes and then off to Dressew and back to her place for an action packed afternoon….Crafting with others excites me.

Will post any great finds (I’m thinking buttons) and the results of our first “work day”.  Cheers.

Blue Eyes Outshine

Gabi sent me this last night and I almost fell out of my chair.  I know this sweater very well.  I gave it great care. (hand dyed and spun the wool as well as designed and knit it).  So you think I’d be familiar enough with this that I couldn’t possibly be surprised.  Wrong.

Those blue eyes completely outshine my design.  Are all the children in the Sea to Sky corridor this gorgeous?


Just when I think things get figured out and settle into a nice calm…..things change.(again)  An opportunity (bigger than me) has presented itself and I just don’t know whether I’m ready to take that next step.  I definitely can’t do it alone and I’m not sure how many of my friends I’ll need to coral into this crazy scheme.  Although I’m sure most of them would be game.

I know a pretty supportive and adventurous group of people.  Some even a bit more twisted than me.

Something with a unique twist, hmmm, and to keep it from unravelling—well, isn’t that just the mystery of all spun fibre?

Working it Out

In working on the 355 Project, I have developed a sweet little technique for dealing with tops and rovings that have long stretches of colour.  It’s giving a lovely result in the finished yarns and is particularly cheeky when incorporated into a single.

I’m thinking of actually doing a video tutorial for it.  Now all I need is a steady hand for the camera.  In the meantime……a little eye Candy with some help from the Kromski Sonata….(which I am loving  BTW)…

 Super sweet merino, bamboo, nylon…..Eye candy, spin candy.

Back in the Saddle

OMG, I can’t even begin to tell you how it feels to have a clear head, tummy and to feel the fog finally lifting.  Well rested body and limbs connected to the wheel in a magical way today and the 355 Project is back on track.  I have updated four new yarns and will update the rest tomorrow.

While the spinning felt fantastic and invigorating, it didn’t take too many hours to tire me out. Here was my favourite.  Casbah.

There will be yarnie dreams tonight.

Proud Foster Mom

I’m fostering a Kromski Sonata for a week.  I’ve had a warm squishy feeling about these wheels since Irene had me spin on one in my course at Place des Arts.  These are relatively new wheels to the shop and with the wealth of choices available to me, I really haven’t taken the time to get to know Javier.  (Yes, that’s his name)  After Quincy tuned him up for me I decided to take him for a spin for a week to discover all the wonderful things this wheel can do.

On the wheel—some amazing BFL and silk blend from Sweet Georgia.  Colourway?  It almost doesn’t matter.  They’re all wonderful.  No, I don’t quite have my sea legs back yet, but the wheel will be heading out to the studio with me tomorrow….I know, I keep threatening to get back to work.  It will happen, you’ll see.