by carmen | Jul 13, 2009 | Workshops & Classes
Some people are just born to knit (and model). Am I lucky or what? This is Sarah’s first project and she totally rocked it.
Art yarn has so many possibilities and seeing other people hit the creative gives me more pleasure than you can imagine.
Julie gravitated to the tomato yarn and already had an idea (without ever having knit a stitch before). Another first project, fabulous model and my love of teaching is growing by leaps and bounds.
I hope to have more opportunities to feature what other people have created with my handspun. Two new knitters in one week. My evil plan for world domination has begun.
Gratuitous shot on the way to Whistler. Passing Mountain.
by carmen | Jul 10, 2009 | Uncategorized
Joan whisked me off to Victoria for the day. A surprise day trip, knitting on the ferry and visiting yarn shops in Victoria…..what could be better?
How about a few pics.
Joan taking a picture for tourists on the ferry.

A Koigu Shrine

My New Fleece Artist Stash

Crocheting on the Ferry on the Way Home

New Yarn, new project…I am loving this merino and my Victorian garden colourway.
It seem strange to feel unaccomplished, then look at the blog post and think –Holy Shit, not bad for a day.
by carmen | Jul 6, 2009 | Events
1. Great Neighbours

2. Fresh, Organic and Local Produce

3. Out of this world Apple Fritters. (have been described as being injected with cocaine).
4. Other vendors that will model for you!
5. A booth that finally got set up on time and just the way I wanted it (it only took 3 weeks).
6. Long leisurely Saturdays in Whistler, a great hotel and dinner the day before a market.
7. A decaf americano on market morning during set up.
8. Bringing new people over to the church of knitting.
9. A wireless debit machine.
10. John sharing market days with me. Nothing better.
by carmen | Jul 3, 2009 | Uncategorized
Intuitive Crochet
Take your basic crochet techniques to the next level. Take charge of your design either by mapping out a plan or by just letting yourself go. Throw the rule book out the window and learn how to follow your instincts (or further develop them).
Bring your own favourite yarns. There will be extra materials and fun yarny bits provided.
This small class will hold a maximum of 6 students.
This class will be held over 2 Saturdays for 2, three hour classes.
$130.00 for both classes.
To express interest in the class please email me at [email protected]. A formal course outline, date and details to follow.

by carmen | Jul 1, 2009 | Uncategorized
I found me, I found me. I was under a pile of yarn scraps and felted sweater bits in the room that used to be my studio. I am in the process of reclaiming it. It will now be a knitting room. Hey, that’s VERY different from a studio… implies leisurely knitting –at least to me anyway. And the treasures I found in sorting out the room. I will list them in order of importance….
- My MOJO – it’s back –huge (there was dancing and yarn sorting)
- An entire wardrobe—okay, most of it doesn’t fit anymore, but it’s certainly inspirational and should fit in the next month or so.
- New designs –two just popped right out at me, half finished sketches, now fully completed.
- A functioning computer desk –consequently an office to do the evil paper work in a happy environment. GST filing due at the end of the month–crap.
- Memories – an old notebook of poetry I thought was lost forever.
- Approximately 50 unfinished kids hats in a bag left over from last year. Score one for Filberg inventory…Thank you, thank you craft goddess!!!
- Lots and lots of happy.
On an entirely different note. I have lost 15 pounds recently and my energy is at an all time high. Am I ready for the all night knitting sessions again? Not quite. I am thoroughly enjoying the new level of energy and the resulting creations.
There’s nothing better than the inspiration that comes from a simple hand spun wool. It is completely unique each time it is knit and the quirks and lumps make each finished piece absolutely charming. Free form patterning is not a contradiction.
I also received a huge yarn order with one more on the way. Blank canvases for my attention. Yippee….Also on the way, newly designed hang tags for the entire inventory. They all match the mysterious new booth sign I haven’t posted a photo of yet. Branding finally coming together.
****For those who have been asking, I will be uploading the class schedule to start in August in the next week or two. I have to get through the next few markets and Filberg before I can focus on the classes. I am looking forward to the teaching and remember the classes will all be taking place in the studio, not in my home.
by carmen | Jun 29, 2009 | Uncategorized
For the second week in a row, I was so occupied at the market that I forgot to take a picture of my booth or any booths for that matter.
The weekend was off to a great start with the first concert of the Jazz Festival –David Sanborn and the opening act truly fed my soul. It’s been a while since I just sat back and let some wonderful music wash over me.
Up early the next day and on to Whistler. The Saturday rain had me feeling a bit gloomy about the Sunday, but it paved the way to a gorgeous day……and these…..John and I dove into a delicious quart of berries. There was no stopping at one…. the mix of tart and sweet and the way the juice ran down my hands made me so grateful for the unpretentious happiness that can be achieved from the first fruits of the season.
My spirit, my tummy, my heart….all full. Pictures of the market next week, I promise (unless it rains, then my display is crap).
by carmen | Jun 21, 2009 | Uncategorized

Well at least for 18 weekends. And yes, I’ve managed to make our room pretty lived in, fairly fast.
The bottom right corner is several bags of knitting being worked on. I am playing catch up on the finished goods.
And John and I are pretty beaten up after the River of Golden Dreams. A gorgeous day for canoing and we took full advantage. Just before the portage…..I brought absolutely no knitting with me.
Hope everyone is having an exciting weekend. I can hardly wait for the market tomorrow.
by carmen | Jun 18, 2009 | Uncategorized
This post is just for quick updates.
This will be the first weekend of the Whistler Market and John and I are heading into Whistler early. Jen, if you are reading this post, we’ll be calling you and are expecting to finally head out paragliding with you! Hint, hint, keep your gear close to the door!
I finally designed and ordered a banner for the booth. It is massive and awesome and I love it so much. Pics after the weekend. There is no place in the house to unfurl this 6ft by 2ft beast. And did I say I love it.
Production was deliciously slow and fluid. Creative, spontaneous and I love what I ended up with. Little spinning, no dyeing —just getting my knit and crochet groove on. Another reason why the studio is so perfect for me. I’ve even noticed that I am within map range of being in The Drift. A definite possibility.

The studio has a constant stream of visitors. I can often be convinced to take off the for beach or some park production if your vehicle can fit my wheel. I am easy to talk into a bike ride up to Queen Elizabeth Park if it’s not raining. Or come and sit and chat. The accomodation isn’t glamorous, but it can sure get your creative on.
Hope to see you in Whistler. Check out some of the amazing hotel deals on
by carmen | Jun 15, 2009 | Events
A full weekend of markets. Easy peasy..Great company, good friends (old and new) and the most amazing sunshine. I am working on what might actually be considered a tan!
Gratuitous market shots

oh and the most exciting news of all. I have a new skirt…!!!
Yes, it has knitting and wool on it and a vintage pink floral inset, and ribbon and it wraps around and it looks great with footless tights and well, I almost choked when I found it in the store. I love it so much that I want to marry it. I want an entire wardrobe of this skirt in every colour. It cost so much more than I would ever pay for a casual skirt, but I would have regretted every day I didn’t own it. It’s also a local BC designer and it stings less when you know you are supporting local and hand made.
by carmen | Jun 10, 2009 | Uncategorized
I’ve spend a lot of time lately looking at things I have already created. Deciding what designs to discontinue, to enhance and what if anything I would like to add to the line. It’s all about editing. I can’t just keep adding things or the booth will not be cohesive.
The free form designs, as always, will be the focus as it truly represents me and my design style. This decision has created a wonderful template for the season and put me at ease. A direction and a real flow. Dyeing my own yarn has been the icing on the cake in terms of making the designs truly mine. I am heading into this season truly proud of the work I’ve created.
Inspiration has me off in another direction this morning. Off to the studio (on bike again) The ride is lovely. I’ve picked some new colours for a design and then Toni and I are off to the beach. Vancouver has been blessed with amazing weather lately…sunny and breezy and I need to be in that while I’m working.
Oh and just for fun, I carded up what scraps landed on the floor in the studio. Yes, I believe a circus exploded. The yarn should be interesting….
Sometimes an ugly yarn is just an ugly yarn. We shall name you Thrift Store Bin.