
Yesterday, with Kristen and Season One of Buffy (finally someone to share it with) the spinathon began.  It was so great to have my groove on, the best company and buffering Buffy on the computer.  Kristen’s needles were blazing (they aren’t called Addi Turbos for nothing) and I was in spintastic form if I say so myself.

I know this will make me sound like a bad cat mommy, but it was nice to have a break from Hadiya for a few  hours.  The pain meds that she is on are making her do ridiculous things and as well as having the cone on her neck, flipped upside down (John thinks she looks like a French Nun) we have had to tape a sock to her foot to keep her from scratching the wound.  So now every three steps she does this crazy cha cha with her back leg.

This is better still than the exhausting adventure of Thursday which was the entire night of chasing her around the house with a baby onsies on one leg, and the 2nd arm hole around her neck as she ran through the house with half of it trailing behind her.  Anyone have any friends that would like a set of onsies 0-3 month size, 6 of them embroidered with days of the week.  —-Only Wednesday is missing.

Getting ready for Ladner tomorrow.  John’s on kitty duty for this one. 

Never Dye Alone

When Kristen and I dye together, I feel a bit more adventurous.  It makes me consider colours outside of my normal colour pallate .  Not that I am shy about colour, but it’s easy to fall into a rut of the familiar.

Since most of the hand spun is used in my own designs, I’m also thinking of the finished product when creating colours.  Here are a few pretties from the weekend.

I still haven’t managed to take photos of the new inventory.  I’m making it a goal this week as well as

  1. Finishing dyeing the shetland (lace shawls anyone?)
  2. Catching up on my 355 posts
  3. Uploading the new hat pattern to Ravelry
  4. Choosing packaging for the kits
  5. Digging out another bag of inventory to label…Are you reading this Kim?
  6. Taking a stab at the back bedroom redo.  I still need some studio space at home.  Sorry John.

I’ll be off the grid for a few days.  Hadiya is having surgery and I need to spend some time snuggling with my girl while she is recovering.

Updates and The Best Cookie in the World

Since I keep forgetting to take pics of anything and haven’t photo’d yarn.  Here is an amazing picture of a tray of cookies that Monica made for a studio visit last week.  Yes, they are balls of yarn.  Delicious yarn.

 A quick wrap up of the more than a week.  At the studio dyeing like crazy with Kristen.  Working on the new pattern and an exciting project with Monica.  Ladner was amazing and the first Whistler market went off without a hitch.  As a matter of fact, even better than I could have hoped for.  Visits from new and old friends made the market a breeze.
The constant of working on inventory is a bit overwhelming, but that is nothing new….Just an explanation for the raging heat in my right arm.  I am full blown in the season.  Toni and Kim have taken over the tagging jobs altogether so at least that is off my plate.
Now to get back to that inventory!  Hope you all had a chance to knit and spin lots.

Handspun #202, #201, #200

No. 200
Pretty Dress in Tatters
BFL locks, Fakland

No. 201
Grey Matters
Merino, BFL, mohair, silk noil

No. 202
Coral Reef
BFL loaded with mohair locks

Market Wrap Up

I’m going to need a lot of inventory this season.  Thanks Kim.  You really made this tear down a snap.

Handspun #204

No. 204
BFL, alpaca, merino, mohair locks, silk noil

Yarn nestled next to what I carded to make it.

You’ve Got to Have Friends

Calling my business a sole proprietorship is not at all accurate.  I know I would not have this business were it not for the generosity of my friends.  This week for example…..

The woven labels came in………thanks for your nimble fingers Toni
The receipt books (many) need their stickers …..thanks Karen
The hang tags are printed ……..thanks Kim for multiple days of tagging
Inventory needing sorting for this weekends show……..Paula, your timing and sorting skills – unmatched.
Hotel bookings for all out of town shows (5)……..John, thanks for finding the creature comforts of home on the road.

This is just one week in the life of my business.  I’m a lucky girl.