by carmen | May 15, 2011 | Dyeing, Spinning
I gave all of the students an alpaca top to over dye without saving one for myself. That has been rectified. Oh and more alpaca top has been ordered.
I adore alpaca, but have finally tired of spinning it au naturel. I needed a bit of colour, not much, just a tich. And this when spun will be blended with a natural oatmeal BFL. Heading to the studio to ply it now. Just keeping it real. Yes, I can do subtle.
by carmen | May 5, 2011 | Dyeing, Spinning, Workshops & Classes
I finished reskeining the yarns I dyed on the weekend. It was first and foremost a matter of getting it out of the way. There was yarn drying everywhere. Here’s a bit of the spring in yarnie goodness.
After putting the fibre away, I managed to card a bit for what will eventually be this yarn. I left the studio in the middle of spinning it. Looking at this picture makes me want to set the alarm to get to the studio tomorrow.
I had the last class for Free Form crochet. It was amazing and even had some impromptu spinning in the middle of it. Now you’d be thinking that wrapping up at 9:30 would be enough, but oddly enough I found myself back at the studio rinsing some dyed top.
Home, fed and thinking I could take another crack at that baby cardi that I frogged last night. The night is still young.
by carmen | Apr 30, 2011 | Spinning, Studio
What the? I was the only person at the studio today. (except for a momentary in and out Joan visit) Weird, weird feeling. I dyed a lot of wool. No pots to share. I spilled things, I got wet, I made a mess. I spun a lovely wool and then realized that Dr. Who is on today…..
Back at home for an evening of knitting and yes, this is in the 355 but I am claiming it for myself.
Enjoy the sunshine.
by carmen | Apr 24, 2011 | Knitting & Crochet, Spinning
With the Dr. Who marathon finally complete, I can get back to work. At last, I wrote out and test knit the kit pattern I have been working on for months. Pardon me, NOT working on.
There’s a lot of garter stitch here and it looks great. Kits will be posted sometime next week. It feels so good to get a new design out there.
The bobbin is not quite full, but I enjoyed the first core spun on the Kromski. I thought the pegs might be a problem and was pleasantly surprised when they weren’t. There was a bit of cat interference trying to take a photo of the 355’s. Check it out.
by carmen | Apr 22, 2011 | Spinning
It started last night with the scarf knitting until after midnight. In preparation for the new season on Saturday, the space channel is rerunning Dr. Who. Hand spun and great sci fi television are the most amazing combination. It started again today, but I think I can do better than just knitting some scarves.
Yep, the Kromski is home and the dyed top are completely dry, lovely and waiting for their chance to be great yarns. I feel a batch of singles coming on. BFL is my favourite go to for a plump thick and thin single. Getting the kit yarns ready.
I apologize for greedily spinning them myself. There is more at the studio. Eight was all I could fit in my bag to bring home. It’s going to be an awesome day.
by carmen | Apr 22, 2011 | Spinning
Yet another wheel has entered the herd. Finally, I have my Kromski Sonata. I’ve been wanting this wheel since the first time Irene talked one of her other spinning students out of her seat for me to have a wee spin. I test drove one in March and realized that for the price, functionality, bobbin size and portability that this wheel is a bargain. Oh, yes, and it’s also pretty.
While I am enjoying the slick nature of the Majacraft Suzie Pro, it’s insanely heavy. Definitely not leaving the studio.
I love the Lendrum, but again, even though it breaks down for travel, the bag is awkward and with all flyers and bobbins it’s also pretty heavy.
I bought a Hitchhiker Wheel last year. At only 7 lbs and fitting into a tote bag, this seemed like the perfect solution. I’ve never felt great on that wheel. I consider my wheel of last resort. Basically, the thing is just too low and small. I feel like I’m playing with a Fisher Price spinning wheel. Shame really, as it actually spins quite well. I often use it for an extra lazy kate.
Now you think I’d be done with the wheels and that the studio is pretty full, but well, the shop’s Schact order just came in…..the Matchless is still in the box….it IS calling to me. I know the Sidekick is coming, and it’s cute and all, but the Matchless, well its heavenly.