Sakura Waiting
Tree Moss
Calling Summer
No 231 — Summer Berry Parfait
Hand dyed merino wool
100 g /168 yards
Alpaca Love
I gave all of the students an alpaca top to over dye without saving one for myself. That has been rectified. Oh and more alpaca top has been ordered.
I adore alpaca, but have finally tired of spinning it au naturel. I needed a bit of colour, not much, just a tich. And this when spun will be blended with a natural oatmeal BFL. Heading to the studio to ply it now. Just keeping it real. Yes, I can do subtle.
A child “weaves” a phentex pot holder on a plastic loom. Pretty presents that definitely surpass the dreaded melted beer bottle ashtray. But then knitting needles replace the plastic loom. So becomes the gift of scarves full of dropped stitches. Then crafting goes on a hiatus. For glory, for grades or for boys.
Into the 20’s crafting is more about what we can do. Invincible, I could do anything. But once each one of those mountains is climbed, I exhausted the passion and looked for something new. When do you put the brakes on? When does the passion take hold of you and grip you so tightly that the excitement doesn’t even allow you to catch a breath.
For me, it is weaving my first piece of cloth. I feel connected to the ancients. Part of something as strong as all the threads together. Life in tapestry. I am indebted for the inspiration, women that walked before me and beside me and the ones that will come after me.
A Brief Warping Interlude
I apologize for the lack of posting this week. I have had a bit of an identity crisis. Who am I? Eager weaver, spinner, dyer, knitter, crocheter, sloppy housekeeper? Okay, we’ve pinned down one.
I am easily distracted by all things pretty and different. I love being challenged by something new and the exciting learning curve of trying to master a new skill. But this is different, very different than the usual distraction. It puts me in the same zone as spinning, clear, calm, content and like I’ve been floated off to an island on my own. Can you say a little slice of heaven?
HOWEVER, where is my inventory? It is not happening at the super speed it used to. I take more breaks. I am more deliberate and purposeful in my work. I know I haven’t gotten any smarter, so I’ll attribute it to getting older or more seasoned.
There is a lot of knit “stuff” sitting amongst the dust bunnies. Time to give the house and my inventory mojo a good late spring dust off today.
The regularly scheduled Project updates will return after the very brief warping interlude.Stay tuned.
Deconstructed Maple
No 233
Deconstructed Maple
105 grams/65 yards
Natural BFL, shetland, corriedale, mohair, silk noil, angelina
True Kitchen Sink
No 234
Rag Rug — Sold
140 yards/180 grams
Primarily BFL and alpaca, but this is a true kitchen sink, angelina, merino, bamboo, silk
Please excuse the cat
No 237 – 235
Hand dyed BFL
Single Ply thick and thin