A Home Away From Home

The studio is where I am surrounded by wool, by my wheels and dyes and pots and my comfy couch —and good friends.  I have such an amazing group around me.  Pearl you were there in spirit!  She did the most amazing thing a friend could do for people with cats.  She sent detailed emails about all of them, where they were when she visited and what they were up to.    A 20 yr old and a 17 yr old don’t get into much trouble, but Asia was always hatching an escape plan every time she arrived.

So lucky.

I am very unhappy with my calendar as of late.  It is the great beast, the total squares to show dates diminishing in number.  Yes, I am on top of the inventory this year, but really 2 more Christmas shows than last year…..crap.  This does prove that I do not enjoy the idea of rest.

There is still a ton of stuff to catch up on.  I am looking for companion yarns for Jan’s awesome sweater she is knitting…Promise to have it to you shortly Jan and sorry for the wait.  I have a few custom yarn orders as well and a felt hat to finish for the market tomorrow.  I should be able to get it done.  While not at my favourite creative space, home does offer John, the cats and the space channel.  Not bad.


A Long Winding Road

We are home from the Folk Festival and it was an amazing experience.  The drive was spectacular with great weather in both directions.  We had pit stops in Revelstoke, Golden and Banff and enjoyed them thoroughly.

The Festival was physically rigorous with long work days, moquitos that were the size of small cars and a definite lack of sleep prevailing.  But on the plus side, we met the most amazing people.

I only got to spin on the first day of the show.  It was logistically difficult to spin as the ground wasn’t level for more than a square foot and it was hot—-spinning in the heat was a new experience for me —-blek.  Lots of knitting happened though, new designs started seeping into my mind and well how can you not be inspired when you are in such a great space?

There was no time to put together a meal, so it was a lot of late night grazing.  Edmonton has awesome places to eat.  Boun Thai had us going back more than once and we found a  Lebanese restaurant that was insanely wonderful.  With  that being said, it was nice to get home to our first home cooked meal in a week.

There are so many more shows on the books this year.  It’s going to be my toughest production schedule  yet—but this is thrilling to me.  I have the full support to make this happen which makes me blessed and even more motivated.

I took a half day off this morning to sleep in and cuddle with the kitties, but the knitting has my full attention as well as catching up on the Torchwood and True Blood episodes I missed while out of town.  I’m sure it wouldn’t take much convincing to get Kristen into another Dr. Who marathon at the studio…..

Pit Stop

Back to my real life….John thought that the come home quick change and head out again was very much like being in one of those pit crews —at least if the tire change is restocking.   Monica has made great work of getting the pattern ready and it has finally been uploaded to Ravelry.  I can hardly wait to have them knit.  The kits will be going up on the website and on Etsy once I get back from Edmonton.

Much more spinning at the studio today… yes, even though I’m taking the wheel with me.  Kristen, Jennifer, Jean and I had an awesome knit/spin in so I could get caught up with everyone before I headed out of town again.

Yes, there will be photos and more notes from the road.  I can hardly wait to get to the Folk Festival.

More Notes From the Road

At the end of each day we return to the cottage to have dinner, collect our thoughts, soak in the tub and enjoy the beauty of the garden.  Idyllic and not something that we have at our place in Vancouver.  Diane, from the Garden Cottage Retreat is the perfect kind of host — a welcome basket, a hello over morning coffee and then we are on our own.

As it’s a two bedroom, once was instantly transformed into a studio where all my unfinished inventory got sorted to be worked on.    Here is our resting space.

Garden Cottage

Garden Cottage Retreat

I have to come back here when there is no show and I can just spend hours during the day in the garden.  I pilfered many raspberries, enjoying them fresh while in the garden as well as in my oatmeal.

Today is the last day of the show.  We’re going home, well for two days anyway.  I’m looking forward to a full day in the studio with Kristen, some quick but quality time with Pearl and many snuggles with the kitties…

Then back on the road.  I’ve put forth a personal challenge to myself to see how many pirates hats I can complete on the drive.  I may even pull out my spinning wheel at our rest stops.


We’ll see.  My only regret this trip.  The spinning wheel not fitting into the car.





Notes from the Road

Things that went wrong:

  • Phone ran out of juice, therefore could not call myself to find it.  Showed up a day later under a pile of unfinished hats.
  • Lost lid for water bottle I bought last year for Filberg to replace the water bottle that I lost.  Loved that bottle.
  • Items shipped took many hours to recover, but made it in time for show.

Things that went well:

  • Everything else.

Sleep is for Suckers

Just to make sure I avoid the dream about having too much sleep (which freaks me out more than you could know) I am still up.  Deep Space Nine is an excellent pick me up for the 2am panics as well as the espresso I am currently consuming.

Rock solid studio day today.  Many hats finished while Kristen and I watched Dr. Who and she dyed some beautiful fibre.

My spinning wheel is not going to fit in the car.  Not at all, not even close and it’s too late for the Beverly Hillbillies –tie to the roof action.  This blows.  I have plenty of knitting to keep me busy but it’s just not the same.

I am bringing my wheel to Edmonton.  I will strap myself to the roof if I have to.  Back to work.  Maybe I can watch Game of Thrones while I’m working?  If I was sleeping, I’d be getting up in 3 hrs anyway….Yep, Game of Thrones, it is.

To Sleep, Per Chance to Dream

……..about sleeping.  I had the most amazing dream.  I dreamed that I was sleeping….oh it was sweet—-like a baby and without a care in the world.

Unfortunately the dream was so real that I woke myself up from it as I had been sleeping too long – 10 hrs according to dream time.  Actual slumber time- 4 hrs…Damn you, stupid realistic dream fracking up my down time.

I have encountered a glitch I have never had before.  My inventory will not fit in the car.  Consequently, we are shipping most of our booth display to the show.  Strange and wonderful.  Also finally putting to bed my nagging inside voice telling me I haven’t worked hard enough on production this year.  Take that, inside voice.

How Many Hats Can I Wear?

Finding a description that fits what I do is a bit ridiculous.  I don’t know how many people would take on a job description that read.

Looking for a person who enjoys limited sleep,  extreme multitasking and constantly being subject to  the opinion of complete strangers.  Must enjoy this for a modest wage with no opportunity to be paid for overtime, no pension plan, and don’t even think about paid vacations.

Your bonuses will include a caffeine addiction of monumental proportion and falling into sleep with unfinished work in your lap.  Oh, and you will always get to work with pretty yarns.

Okay, I still would have applied for the job (that is beside the point)  Doing what you love is amazingly hard work and after the hottest market of the season yesterday, I was still amazed that people were willing to buy wool.

I have decided that I have to be proficient at the following to continue to do this job.

  • inventory management
  • marketing
  • office manager
  • social media expert
  • bookkeeper
  • comptroller
  • warehouse manager
  • colour technician
  • fashion forecaster
  • scheduler
  • personal assistant (to myself)
  • therapist
  • life coach
  • mentor

    Hat Stack

I am so fortunate to have people in my life who realize which jobs I am not capable of fulfilling and jump in to pick up the slack.  You all know who you are.  Notice that none of the descriptions have anything to do with the actual crafting itself.  That’s a lot harder to give up.

Hope to see you at Filberg!





Finishing Line

Mountains of inventory is one thing, but nothing is ever touched just one time.  In order to work more efficiently, I am often left with piles of things that just need a little something….in this case —a big something.    It’s always an important part of the work to express my own touches to a design.  Something that pushes my sense of whimsy –or in this case — procrastination.  May I present my new design…….”Avoidance”

I’m thinking that each knot represents something on my TO DO list, that I simply did not want to do…..Lost count after a while.  I might have to make another one.  In the meantime, here’s a peak at another new design.

A new episode of Torchwood is on tonight, plenty of knitting time.  Might even finish a few more items.  Yeah.

Counting Down

50 skeins to rewind, label

17 felt hats to finish

300 French Knots

22 hats waiting for labels

5 rovings drying at the studio

2 lost Kromski bobbins


No, I am not freaking out.

Some new yarns on the 355 Page.