by carmen | May 11, 2014 | 30/30, Hand Spun, Spinning, Teaching, Uncategorized, Workshops & Classes
Here I thought the 30 minutes a day outdoors for 30 days would be the challenge. It’s turned out that posting updates is my biggest hurdle!

I had an Ashford order come in this week. Things I needed for students and then some things that I felt it was my duty to test drive for students. Love, love, love this alpaca merino blend roving. The colour is “slate” and I believe I may be spinning the entire kilo. If anyone is interested in trying out this roving, let me know. It spins like a dream. I had two wheels go out the door this week to two super enthusiastic students. So part of my week went to putting together and waxing wheels. Not something I am highly skilled at doing, but a pleasure none the less.

Spinning Class
I also taught the second half of the Beginner Spinning Workshop at Birkeland Wool. This group was crazy fun. Not only had they done all their homework (filling lots of bobbins), but they were so advanced that I was able to squeeze in three ply and navajo plying techniques as well. It is classes and moments like this that make me treasure the experience of teaching.

Sketchy Bobbins
Since I am taking two classes right now through the VSB, I am really, really getting into the camera. With that comes a lot of editing software and I found this wonderful little programme that lets me turn the photos into sketches. Not that the actual pictures of the yarn were not interesting, but how can you discover a button and not push it?
by carmen | May 6, 2014 | 30/30, Hand Spun, Spinning, Teaching
Okay, now this is not how I wanted this to go…I was hoping to post everyday, however this outside thing has me super busy and engaged. It makes me want to go farther though. And since I’m self employed, I really need to find a way to enjoy nature and keep working.

Bonus-the colours outdoors now are inspirational. Monday had me working in the garden and loving it.
I came back inside as I promised one of my spinning students a chance to borrow the Kiwi that I hadn’t put together yet. So with my limited tool kit I made it. I spun on the Lendrum for breaks so I mananged to finish some beautiful yarns yesterday.
I decided to photograph them today in natural light, so I took them for a walk to Quincey’s house. I would usually walk down the main drag, basically following the bus route. Today, I followed the bike path and found several lovely parketts along the way as well as blooms everywhere.

Beauty Walk
This Beauty yarn is comprised of hand dyed mohair locks. These locks have been languishing in the studio since last March. What was I thinking, ignoring these lovely locks? I’m so happy that this is actually yarn now. Although my option would probably be to wear it, rather than knit or weave it.
With the remainder of the locks, I decided to do some carding. Wanting the locks just to be highlights and for the yarn to have more practical uses.

Two, Two Ply Yarns
There are so many ways to spin wool and yesterday I was really wanting something different. I love texture and I love a two ply, but thread wrapped around and thick and thin yarn is a bit old hat. Answer. I used the same batt to spin both the thick and thin single and the ply yarn…I am very happy with the results and will definitely spin more.
The walk today gave me a great backdrop for photos. I think I’ll do more of that too. Just working out my outdoor plan for tomorrow –which may involve dragging my wheel (and a pound of wool) to a park.
by carmen | May 4, 2014 | 30/30, Spinning, Teaching, Workshops & Classes
Rainy and cool. Perfect for today’s nature project before I teach the second half of the Beginner Spinning class this afternoon. I did it! I finally started the garden this year. I didn’t get it all done at once, spending a good hour reworking the soil and compost and getting these little beauties in the ground. I’m focusing on greens this year so brussel sprouts, bok choy, spinach and several varieties of kale. Here’s hoping I have it all done by next Sunday.
I know these posts aren’t yarn heavy, but they will be. There’s always yarn and this finally dried today. A wonderful single ply merino ready for cozy winter knitting. I enjoy thinking of all seasons at the same time. I like to have a bunch of all white in my stash at any given time. Crisp.
While enjoying the lilac and getting deep into the soil, I had a visitor who doesn’t usually hang with me in the yard. Even Asia is getting into the spirit of the 30/30 and was enjoying some little birdies in the tree.

Time to get ready for class in the studio. The apricot scones have cooled. I’ve made room for the wheels and now I’ll just sort out the bits of yarny goodness that seem to spread over every surface. I’m looking forward to this group today. I love the enthusiasm of new students.
Please check the class schedule as I will be adding the new summer classes this week. There will beat least one spinning class and a free form crochet class.
by carmen | Jan 6, 2012 | Spinning
Actually spinning my own base yarns has been a bit more time consuming than I planned. That’s okay though. It’s not like I don’t like the spinning. Besides, I’d rather be spinning than filling out show applications and booking hotels. John is taking over that responsibility.
While I decided that I would not have $5 take out coffees, I seem to have found another way to spend even more money by having already gone out for dinner twice this year. Note to self, do not let your alcohol bill exceed your food portion of the bill. Primos is the oldest and best Mexican restaurant in town. Thanks for keeping pace with me on the Bombas Nancy!
I had dinner for the first time at Les Faux Bourgeois last night with some crafty friends. The meal was amazing, but really, eating out twice in one week is a bit decadent for me. Full austerity measures are now back in place.
Monica will be working with me on a new cowl pattern as well as a scarf pattern for the lovely, lumpy BFL that I am spinning. If anyone has a better name for this hand spun bulky weight thick and thin BFL than lumpy, could you please let me know. I would be happy to send a skein to whoever can think of the best name.
So, it’s pretty, it’s soft, it’s lumpy and it needs a name. Help a spinner out would you?
by carmen | Oct 26, 2011 | Spinning
I love everything about silk, from how it becomes silk to how it feels, to the strength of it. It’s delicate and tough at the same time. I like that. I particularly like this amazing gift from my friend Jennifer of dyed silk carrier rods which I have spun into several yarns.

Gone are the days of felted flowers and large hunks of things spun into the wool (just because I could). Things are a bit more tempered now. Like me? Who knows, but the work is very evocative of the fibre it comes from — resilient and precious. I’ll only have a few of them for the show, but I will definitely be doing more work with silk. I’ve also been able to incorporate dyed silk hankies into the carded batts as well. A gift from another good friend. Karen – how did you know?
by carmen | Aug 19, 2011 | Spinning
When you update your CV, don’t be afraid to put down every weird little skill you have. This week, I will have the pleasure of updating my resume to include consulting on a television series.

The skill of spinning my own wool has given me the most flexibility in how I earn a living. I can spin the wool and knit it, I can spin it and sell it as it or I can teach others how to do it. Or in this case, assist in the diagnosis and repair of a great wheel. There is something about spinning that makes you want to conquer it. Like climbing a mountain, I want to spin on every wheel that was ever created. Spinning on a Walking Wheel or a Great Wheel is an amazing experience. Back to the job thing……
And now here I am behind the scenes of a tv series consulting on a fanciful “Grimm” fairytale from the early 1800’s.
I’ll have more details later next week. In the meantime wish me luck spinning straw into gold. (in more ways than one) Anyone have any flax to spare?