by carmen | Jul 4, 2014 | Hand Spun
Last year at this time, I thought I was busier than I could ever be. I mean really, John was out of town and I had two big August shows to deal with. Monica got me through Filberg (thank you Monica) and there’s no way I could have done Edmonton Folk Festival without Kim (mucho thanks). It was still two shows and still crazy hectic. So this year in order to save myself from the crazy, I opted out of Filberg and decided to do only Folk Festival. Well that’s no exactly true, I did jury for one other show I did not get into..Suck show who shall remain nameless, you won’t have me to kick around this year! Note to self: shit happens, get over it.
The one show thing turned out to be a bit of a surprise though…..yup, you don’t get less busy you just find other stuff to do, but if doing other stuff is this……. yeah baby, I’m on the right track. Welcome to happy.
There is no other way to feel when I’m spinning it and there’s definitely no way you can be all bitchy pants when you are knitting it. And now for something really awesome this year. Super special yarn in smaller 50g skeins. That’s right accent, don’t overload. It makes you (knitter/crocheter) more creative in working with it. And its’ actually the crack vs cocaine affordability.
Here’s the confession part. I knit all of it. Every last drop, so I’m starting over, back at the wheel as it were and getting down with the Dead, White and Blue Marathon which I think will be the only thing to keep me seated long enough to complete it. That will take me to 9:00am on Sunday. Let’s see what can happen in that time.
So I definitely don’t expect to resurface until Monday. Here’s wishing everyone a great weekend –outdoors –maybe with knitting?
by carmen | Jun 10, 2014 | Hand Spun, Markets
or so I mi
ght like to think. I still can’t believe that I thought I could take two classes while working on jury submissions and teaching in the studio. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my own ignorance for kicking in to high gear. Would not have been able to do it without you buddy!
At least now I can offer a leaner website with slightly clearer photos. Other than the Ladner Market this past weekend, John and I will not be at any markets this summer, NONE. As a matter of fact, this was the only photo I was able to grab at the end of the market. Pretty sad. Imagine music, crowds, fudge and tons of gorgeous yarn and knitwear instead of empty street and folded tent.
For the next little bit, I will be working on finally having a shopping cart option for the website. Coming into the current millenium, right? I’m excited to have the next phase up and running so check back in a week or two and voila…shopping!
Check back even sooner if you are looking for first dibs on these one of a kind lovelies.
by carmen | May 11, 2014 | 30/30, Hand Spun, Spinning, Teaching, Uncategorized, Workshops & Classes
Here I thought the 30 minutes a day outdoors for 30 days would be the challenge. It’s turned out that posting updates is my biggest hurdle!

I had an Ashford order come in this week. Things I needed for students and then some things that I felt it was my duty to test drive for students. Love, love, love this alpaca merino blend roving. The colour is “slate” and I believe I may be spinning the entire kilo. If anyone is interested in trying out this roving, let me know. It spins like a dream. I had two wheels go out the door this week to two super enthusiastic students. So part of my week went to putting together and waxing wheels. Not something I am highly skilled at doing, but a pleasure none the less.

Spinning Class
I also taught the second half of the Beginner Spinning Workshop at Birkeland Wool. This group was crazy fun. Not only had they done all their homework (filling lots of bobbins), but they were so advanced that I was able to squeeze in three ply and navajo plying techniques as well. It is classes and moments like this that make me treasure the experience of teaching.

Sketchy Bobbins
Since I am taking two classes right now through the VSB, I am really, really getting into the camera. With that comes a lot of editing software and I found this wonderful little programme that lets me turn the photos into sketches. Not that the actual pictures of the yarn were not interesting, but how can you discover a button and not push it?
by carmen | May 6, 2014 | 30/30, Hand Spun, Spinning, Teaching
Okay, now this is not how I wanted this to go…I was hoping to post everyday, however this outside thing has me super busy and engaged. It makes me want to go farther though. And since I’m self employed, I really need to find a way to enjoy nature and keep working.

Bonus-the colours outdoors now are inspirational. Monday had me working in the garden and loving it.
I came back inside as I promised one of my spinning students a chance to borrow the Kiwi that I hadn’t put together yet. So with my limited tool kit I made it. I spun on the Lendrum for breaks so I mananged to finish some beautiful yarns yesterday.
I decided to photograph them today in natural light, so I took them for a walk to Quincey’s house. I would usually walk down the main drag, basically following the bus route. Today, I followed the bike path and found several lovely parketts along the way as well as blooms everywhere.

Beauty Walk
This Beauty yarn is comprised of hand dyed mohair locks. These locks have been languishing in the studio since last March. What was I thinking, ignoring these lovely locks? I’m so happy that this is actually yarn now. Although my option would probably be to wear it, rather than knit or weave it.
With the remainder of the locks, I decided to do some carding. Wanting the locks just to be highlights and for the yarn to have more practical uses.

Two, Two Ply Yarns
There are so many ways to spin wool and yesterday I was really wanting something different. I love texture and I love a two ply, but thread wrapped around and thick and thin yarn is a bit old hat. Answer. I used the same batt to spin both the thick and thin single and the ply yarn…I am very happy with the results and will definitely spin more.
The walk today gave me a great backdrop for photos. I think I’ll do more of that too. Just working out my outdoor plan for tomorrow –which may involve dragging my wheel (and a pound of wool) to a park.