by admin | Feb 24, 2012 | Yarn a Day
Feeling a bit scrappy. Sorting through bits of stuff, kid mohair, locks, silk, bamboo,merino, shetland. 297 yards of blended goodness. I think everyone should have a drum carder.

Still scrappy, but thinking more rag rug look. I always joke with my students about the condition of the studio and how you could spin straight from the floor. No longer a just a joke.

A bit bulkier –plied onto itself with some glitter bit, definitely a rag rug vibe. 147 yards, just enough for some funky mittens.
by admin | Dec 6, 2011 | Events, Markets
We have been busy replenishing stock to prepare for our last 2 events of the season. After Circle Craft, the booth display was packed up and sent to Edmonton in preparation for the Butterdome Craft Show. This is my first year doing Butterdome and I’m looking forward to it. We fly to Edmonton tomorrow and the show runs from Thursday, December 8 to Sunday, December 11.
When we get back to Vancouver, we’ll be participating in the 16th annual Holiday Market, presented by the Vancouver Farmer’s Market. It’s one day only (December 17) at the Croatian Cultural Centre. So make sure you pop down and say hello if you’re in the Lower Mainland!
by admin | Jul 12, 2011 | Personal, Studio
I keep forgetting to take pictures….at the market, at the studio, wherever I need to be taking pictures. I don’t like posts without photos, hence the week of not blogging. However, until I can take some good shots, I still want to let you know what’s been going on.
The studio has been crazy busy, but with Torchwood. With the Season 1 finale today, let’s just say the production has been ramped up to it’s highest level ever.
Friend with blog news:
Kristen dyed a killer new colourway. Available soon in her Etsy shop.
Quincey finished off a batch of little felted guys and was carding this week for a mountain of felted soaps she is working on.
Monica is working on my new website, blog, logo and everything else that will make me look like a together grown up. She is amazing people and her skills are available.
Me. —-same old, same old. Dyeing, spinning, knitting and doing the market’s while ramping up for Filberg. What I’m not doing —-taking photos of the finished goods. (a situation I hope to rectify shortly)
by admin | Jun 17, 2011 | Yarn a Day
No. 198
Planting the Seed
Dyed Finn and and Felted Recycled Sweaters

by admin | Jun 16, 2011 | Yarn a Day
No. 199
Roses After the Argument
Hand dyed BFL, silk flowers, mohair and silk thread