by carmen | Jun 10, 2014 | Hand Spun, Markets
or so I mi
ght like to think. I still can’t believe that I thought I could take two classes while working on jury submissions and teaching in the studio. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my own ignorance for kicking in to high gear. Would not have been able to do it without you buddy!
At least now I can offer a leaner website with slightly clearer photos. Other than the Ladner Market this past weekend, John and I will not be at any markets this summer, NONE. As a matter of fact, this was the only photo I was able to grab at the end of the market. Pretty sad. Imagine music, crowds, fudge and tons of gorgeous yarn and knitwear instead of empty street and folded tent.
For the next little bit, I will be working on finally having a shopping cart option for the website. Coming into the current millenium, right? I’m excited to have the next phase up and running so check back in a week or two and voila…shopping!
Check back even sooner if you are looking for first dibs on these one of a kind lovelies.
by carmen | Mar 7, 2013 | Markets, Studio, Workshops & Classes
I’ve been busier than usual the last week or so. Hard to believe, since I have always set myself such a rigid schedule. I’m busier because I’m going on vacation. It has been more than 10 years since I’ve been this reckless? …. but it is something that has put me into overdrive.
I’m going to Paris for my 50th birthday with my best knitting gal pal, Jean. It seemed like a no brainer since we have the same addictions; yarn, chocolate, cafe creme, pain au chocolat and museum crawling. I can hardly wait….but now I’m in this crazy place where I am trying to get done the work I would have done if there was no holiday. I’m also taking quite a bit of yarn with me to France…..(more on that later) and I really want it to be my best work.

I’ve had a lot of creative time so far this year, more than usual and I’ve given myself a few days a week of just doing what I feel like. This is new and has led to some lovely finished pieces that got snapped up just after being posted on facebook (in a few cases). Weird,because when I first started posting on FB, it was just so my customers would know what I’m up to. Not that I’m complaining!
My show confirmations are rolling in and it’s going to be the most hectic season yet, but I am thrilled to have the chance to share my work with a wider audience.
Classes at the home studio are going really well. I’m surprised at how at ease I am with work at home. I expected a few more hiccups but so far it’s all rainbows and puppies. After I get back from France I will be having the Intuitive Crochet Class, another Beginner Spinning class and the Dye Workshop. I’ll post as soon as that schedule goes up.

My friends are busy as well. One of my former students, Mekkin, owner of Hanahmin’s Fiber is going to be doing her first show at Fibres West. Pearl Chow will be teaching Needle Felting at Wet Coast Wools this weekend.
Just a few more things to finish off. I’m in Whistler this weekend for the Made In Whistler Market at the Westin Hotel, sponsored by the Whistler Arts Council. It’s my last show before my trip. There is also one custom order to finish off. All I’m missing is sleeves and a collar and then we can call it a cardigan.
Final order of business? Decide what my project for the plane will be. Knitting or crochet? And how much room to leave in the suitcase for new yarn Oh yeah, there will be yarn.
by admin | Feb 8, 2013 | Events, Markets
After a not-so-restful holiday season, I’m happy to greet 2013 with a winter market. All of my new designs are being debuted at the Made in Whistler Market.
This Saturday will be the fourth weekend I’ve spent at the lovely Westin Hotel with other artisans. The market will be every Saturday until Easter in April from 2-7 pm.
In addition to jewellery, pottery, baked goods, and visual art, the Westin will be selling homemade soup and bread with all proceeds going to local charities.
Made In Whistler — Winter Market
January – April, 2013 (Saturdays)
2:00 – 7:00 pm
Westin Resort & Spa
4090 Whistler Way, Whistler (Village), BC
by admin | Nov 19, 2012 | Events, Markets
Some of my hats will be living in Deep Cove for the Winter Gift Show at the Seymour Art Gallery. Lucky ones might even get to go home with a new owner!
Winter Gift Gallery
November 20, 2012 to January 5, 2013
4360 Gallant Ave., North Vancouver, BC
Gallery Hours: 10 am – 5 pm, 7 days a week
Opening reception: Sunday, November 25, 2-4pm
by admin | Dec 6, 2011 | Events, Markets
We have been busy replenishing stock to prepare for our last 2 events of the season. After Circle Craft, the booth display was packed up and sent to Edmonton in preparation for the Butterdome Craft Show. This is my first year doing Butterdome and I’m looking forward to it. We fly to Edmonton tomorrow and the show runs from Thursday, December 8 to Sunday, December 11.
When we get back to Vancouver, we’ll be participating in the 16th annual Holiday Market, presented by the Vancouver Farmer’s Market. It’s one day only (December 17) at the Croatian Cultural Centre. So make sure you pop down and say hello if you’re in the Lower Mainland!
by carmen | Sep 19, 2011 | Markets
Where to begin? Planning for the extra shows this year is making my brain hurt. I was considering doing a brain on wool update, but I can’t even manage that. I also can’t quantify my “busy” due to a fear of blood leaking out of my ears.
What I can say is that the markets are great, my pile of custom orders is ever growing and I am immensely behind (which is oddly making me a bit crabby). I want to get to a place where it gets easier somehow. That place never seems to materialize. I had a board meeting after the market so John had dinner with a friend and then I met him so we could have dinner with our other friends. It was almost like a vacation. Creekbread is amazing. Officially the best pizza I have ever eaten (also the best salad). —-Pemberton potatoes on a pizza and garlic from North Arm Farms—nothing better.
On another note. Hadiya is uber sick, so going to the studio to work is out of the question. I just don’t want to leave her side. The cancer has returned in a big way. She hasn’t figured it out yet, so that’s a good thing. She’s stuffing her little face, purring loudly, demanding petting and sleeping on my lap. It’s only a matter of time. John and I were hoping at least until Christmas, but it might not even be until the end of the week.

My booth at the market was full and my heart is full and I guess that’s all a crafty girl can ask for, right?
Feeling blassed (and just a little stressed)